sokka | sparring sessions

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summary - that time you and sokka spar and the flirtations go a little too far
warnings - slightly nsfw

you cartwheeled to the side to avoid sokka's advance, quickly bringing your sword to clash with his when you landed.

you smirked seeing him get more and more frustrated with your defensive stances and moves knowing full well you were just trying to tire him out.

sokka kicked your wrist causing your grip on the sword to loosen and he took this chance to hit it with his own making your sword hit the floor.

you groaned, "sokka! that's not fair!"

he scoffed, "no it's not but do you know what actually isn't fair? wasting my time for an hour! you said we were going to do some actual training and all you're doing is defence!"

sokka stuck his sword into the ground and walked past you visibly ticked off.

you rolled your eyes and before he got too far you swung your leg under his, a move that caused the boy to face plant the floor.

he rolled around, holding himself up on his elbows and looked up at you surprised to see the calm smile on your face.

"get up," you said. "get up and fight me without your beloved sword."

"that sounded oddly sexual-"

"shut up and fight me, dumbass," you whispered waiting for sokka to make the first move.

the water tribe boy leapt off the ground and swung his fist to your face, a move you easily dodged. however the momentum of his move accidental brought him closer to you, his chest colliding with yours.

you raised a brow. "if you wanted to get so close to me, you could've just asked," you taunted, pulling out his hair tie.

his brown hair fell against his face as he playfully glared at you which was oddly attractive.

you attempted to knee him in the stomach but he grabbed the underside of your thigh causing you to lose your balance and fall flat onto your back.

sokka smirked as he stood over you, "awh y/n, you're falling for me."

"haha, very funny... you win sokka so can you help me up now!"

he nodded and gave you his hand like an idiot.

you dragged him to the ground and flipped him over so his back was against the dirt and your legs were around his midsection straddling him.

"awh sokka, you're falling for me," you mocked as the teen looked up at you in shock.

he quickly attempted to flip you but you captured his wrists in one hand and kept his chest pressed down with the other.

suddenly there was a tense silence between the two of you, the jokey atmosphere slowly morphing into something else.

"y-y/n?" sokka stuttered.

you nodded, not trusting your mouth to produce words.

he was about to continue when footsteps approached. you looked up to see the rest of the gaang stare at the two of you in shock, excitement and faux disgust.

you immediately jumped off of sokka and helped him up, his hands immediately covering his front as he stared at his friends.

aang was the first to speak up.

"i am very uncomfortable with atmosphere we have created in this courtyard," he stated and he immediately dragged a babbling katara away from the situation.

they were definitely going to gossip.

(a/n: tiktok anyone?)

zuko looked unamused until he caught sokka's attempts to do whatever he was doing which made him laugh, a rare occurrence.

the two of them walked away leaving you with toph and suki and the girls looked at you very much amused.

you laughed, "he had a boner didn't he?"



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