asami | let that shit go

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summary - that time your girlfriend only comes around when the other woman doesn't want her
warnings - slightly nsfw & angsty

she was beautiful - asami was beautiful on the outside and on the inside.

you used to think so, you never thought ill of her and she never thought ill of you but time changes people.

people change people.

korra and asami were always close and everyone knew it. even when you and asami got together, the two of them would still spend almost all their time together.

at first you didn't complain, they were friends and you weren't going to stop that.

but when it continued this way for months, when you would tell her how neglected you feel and she would brush your concerns off as stupid worries. it began to tear away at your heart.

"let that shit go," asami whispered into your ear. you longed for her to finally hold you, to touch you in this moment where she stood so close but she would leave again. she always left.

bolin was the one to tell you, he was the only one around with the decency to knock on your door and let you know.

"they've been..."

..i think you know how that conversation went.

the glass bottle in your hand would hang limply as you glared at the door at midnight on a saturday. hair was a mess, clothes hung limply off your form and tears dried in lines down your face.

you didn't care. asami wouldn't care.

the door opened and closed as the woman walked in quietly with a small smile, a smile that faded when she saw your state.


"how is she?" you asked calmly. you let the bottle drop on the carpeted floor, the thud of the glass filling the silence.

asami walked towards you and knelt by you feet, her hands massaging your hips as she looked up at you but never looking you in the eye.

"korra's in a bit of mood," she said. "she's probably stressed out about her duties and everything."

"right," you chuckled lowly. "well, i'm glad she has you to support her."

you pulled asami's hands off your body, the touches you longed for months suddenly feeling like poison in your system. "bolin..." you laughed again. "he told me the most interesting thing a couple of hours ago."

you got up from your place on the sofa, asami following close behind as you walked into her bedroom.

"what did he say?" she asked weakly.

you faced her slowly and took her hand in yours, pushing her backwards into a bed that was unoccupied by her for ages. it was cold, the bed dipping as you crawled on top of asami, her hands pinned under yours.

soft slow lips brushed against her neck emitting a gasp out of asami.

the noise would've sounded so sweet if it didn't feel so bitter.

your lips travelled agonisingly slow up her body until you reached her ear, asami's hands fidgeted desperately as your actions stilled and your grip on her tightened.

"you've been fucking her."

it was then asami who stilled, her heavy breathing stopping as if she had been killed right there. you lifted your head to look her in the eyes, eye contact she had avoided earlier but eye contact you would now enforce.

"you're only here because korra probably got sick of you, huh?" you whispered. "she's in a mood," you smirked repeating her words from earlier.

you got off of her and entered the living space with asami quickly following.

"y/n, wait!"

"don't even try," you said. "there's no way you can get yourself out of this one, sato."

she flinched under sound of the use of her second name in such a vicious manner. you were never this but you had enough.

soon your shoes are on your feet and your hand was on the doorknob.

"please don't go, please i-i can explain this! i love you, y/n."

you froze for a second but shook your head as you opened the door and stepped out.

"i love you y/n!"

your turned to face asami, tears forming in her eyes as you began to smile softly.

"oh asami," you breathed. "let that shit go."

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