wing beifong | toph's compliments

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summary - that time your boyfriend wants you to be his cheerleader and watch him 'win' a game of power disk against his brother
warnings - wing telling everyone you suck ;)

"come on, wei!"

you and your friends cheered as wei scored another point, the teen bowing in response with a hidden grin on his face.

opal and bolin stood beside you with snacks in their hands and eyes trained on the twins as wing dusted himself off the ground.

"y/n!?" he called. "you're supposed to be cheering for me, babe... remember?"

you shrugged your shoulders with a smirk. "i can still support my friend."

the earth bender rolled his eyes as he and his brother continued the game.

wing seemed irritated, annoyed and other synonyms relating to the said emotion. you almost felt bad but you knew deep down it was all surface level. right?

opal's eyes widened as she watched wei prevent your boyfriend from scoring with a swift kick mid air.

"wow! he's really good!" she commented.

bolin nodded, his mouth agape as he observed the growing intensity in the twins movements and technique.

"i would comment," you groaned shoving sugar cookies in your mouth. "but," you continued with a mouthful. "my boyfriend is acting like a child."

"i am not!" wing shouted, his attention being diverted for a fraction of a second letting wei score another point.

"i thought you were supposed to be the 'level-headed' one?" wei teased, using finger quotations. "i guess having y/n watch you lose is really hurting your oomph-"

wei fell to the ground in discomfort as he held his stomach, the place where wing launched a small boulder at him.

you snorted loudly before tying to cover up your giggles, opal and bolin doing the same as the brothers got into a petty fight.

however, the hilariousness of the situation was short-lived when you could hear the familiar strong footsteps approach from behind.

"oh sh-"

"you call this a fight?" toph challenged the group. her aged hands were placed on her hips as she stared at the ground. "i fought better than you two when i was a baby!"

she turned to your direction and smirked. "your boyfriend's trying to save face here, wanna help him out? you could take them easily."

you 'pshhhed' weakly and tried to make yourself look confident in front of your idol. she had just insinuated you were an even match for them and you doing your best not to scream.

"help wing? he doesn't need it! i mean the score is... bolin, what's the score of the game?"

"t-twenty two to seventeen-"

"twenty-two to seven- shit, really?" you asked. "damn, wing you suck!"

he pushed wei to the ground and stood up pointing at you with an accusatory finger.

"you suck!"

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