sokka | hot & cold

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summary - that time the gaang meet a girl who can bend fire & water lmaoo (what a show off) & sokka freaks out about it
warnings - katy perry reference & i didn't proof read 😌,, also check out what anon said ^^

meeting the gaang was the best and worst thing to happen in your life so far. it occurred by accident, you bumped into a boy called 'kuzon' who seemed to use slang that not even your grandparents used.

being a student at the school 'kuzon' was going to, you stuck by his side to help him fit in more; you seemed to be the only one aware that he was clearly an outsider.

the group, sokka and katara especially, was hesitant to accept you but at the cave party, their suspicious attitude towards you somewhat morphed into intrigue.

you were the first person to start dancing when no-one else would and the gaang watched you move with the grace of someone that didn't participate in the fire bending arts.

"it's like she's..."

"water bending," sokka whispered in awe. he eyed aang, both the boys in complete surprise.

you showed your loyalty when you helped them escape the cave party when the guards showed up, aang insisting you come with the group because he wanted to know about you; they all did to some extent.

"we need a fire bender with us," he explained. "we can trust her!"

sokka shook his head slowly, one hand rubbing his temples and the other stroking his fake beard. "a fire bender, huh?" he mumbled, eyeing your form nervously. "that didn't look like firebending to me."

you gulped slightly under katara's gaze and sokka's intense stare.

"i'm self-taught," you explained. "i wasn't formally trained so i guess i just do things differently."

toph immediately accepted you and then you soon found yourself with the gaang whenever they went, your firebending ability known to the group but an integral part of your identity still hidden.

you weren't ashamed of it, even though the fire nation brainwashed people from young ages about how to see water benders. you just didn't want to complicate things as the group was still getting used to your presence.

for the first few days with the group you never let it slip that you could bend 2 elements, you hid your ability completely and without fail but things began to change when you become closer to the water tribe boy.

late nights were spent talking to each other about things from the past, trivial things like how zuko's ponytail was atrocious and what you expected in the future.

the security you surrounded yourself disappeared as you found yourself sometimes forgetting about the secret you tried to hide and it became harder when sokka would ask questions.

how are your movements so fluid? how do you flow so well?

"i told you, i'm-"

"self-taught," he laughed quietly. "yeah, i know."

the two of you sat side by side on appa's back, the rest of the group half-asleep as aang controlled the bison.

it was close to dusk, the clouds sat lightly around the two of you as the sun crept down towards the horizon slower and slower. it was a beautiful sight, one you were still getting used to even though this was your 100th time on appa's back.

sokka's blue eyes rested on your form taking note of your current state. strands of hair framed your face, your fire nation attire gone with you opting for a neutral jumpsuit instead and your hand absentmindedly swaying free in the cold air.

he watched your hand closely noticing droplets of water form on your fingertips, drops that slowly formed into a thin stream of water that circled appa like a giant halo.

you froze, "oh sh-"

"how are you doing that!?" sokka shouted, his surprised yelp waking up the rest of the group and alerting aang.

they woke up to see your halo of water collapse into nothingness, your hands being grabbed by sokka as he examined them.

aang gasped, "are you another avatar? is that a thing? why didn't you tell us earlier!-"

"you can fire and water bend? that's 2 elements? why did on earth did the spirits grant you 2 magical powers and give me nothing!?"

sokka, with your hands seized in his, stared at you wildly confused. the group stayed silent waiting for your explanation with katara and toph seemingly calmer than the boys.

your eyes drifted to the moon as you began your next words with a soft smile.

"i come from a family connected to the spirits on my mother's side. instead of being formally taught, she used the moon's energy to harness her power."

katara smiled, her eyes also glancing to the moon. "what about your father?" she asked.

you removed your hands from sokka's and removed a small chain from your pocket, a golden necklace with a tiger emblem.

"my father is a descendent of rangi from the sei'naka clan-"

"i know rangi!" aang grinned. "she was my- well she was kyoshi's girlfriend."

katara breathed a sigh of relief that didn't go unnoticed and you smiled, thankful for the mostly positive reception.

the group silently decided to go back to their thing, aang focusing on appa once more and the girls going back to rest leaving you and sokka alone once more.

he spoke up, "i want to say i saw this coming but i... i don't know if i should be happy i'm correct or scared."

"you should be terrified," you chucked, kissing the water tribe boy on the cheek. he rolled his eyes and allowed himself you rest against your shoulder.

he took your hand once more and smirked, "so does this mean you're hot and you're cold?"

"go to sleep sokka."

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