mako | you're staring

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summary - that time mako asks you to spar with him and things get a little out of hand (waterbender!reader)
warnings - my girl y/n needs to go to the horny corner right now smh,, unedited


you turned to see mako walking towards you with a tired lopsided grin, his arms crossed against his vested chest. you weren't sure how how he was able to wear such a thin piece of material at this time of night, even inside toza's gym.


mako rose his hands up in disbelief as he stared at you in confusion.

"i didn't even get to finish?" he mumbled.

"you're smiling," you said, ignoring his comment. "you never smile. it's weird and i want no part in whatever scheme you're coming up with."

you went to walk past him but he stood in your way, his hands awkwardly fumbling around to capture your fleeting attention.

"i was wondering if you wanted to... train with me?" mako asked.

you raised your brow, your hands landing on your hips as you scoffed. "it's too late for that, sifu hotman."

"it's too late for that but it's not late enough for you to stay up doing nothing?" he countered. "please y/n, i would ask bolin but-"

you punched him in the stomach, mako falling to the ground with an frown.

"what?" you smirked, "i thought we were training?"

you raised your leg to kick his side but he rolled under the swing just in time. mako stood up now, fists raised and a determined look on his face.

you copied his movements, the two of you circling each other. there was a bucket of water behind mako. quickly you raised your hand but mako hit your wrist away, the wave of liquid spraying against the wall.

"no bending," he ordered.

"you just know i'd easily kick your ass," you teased. you swung your leg high, mako ducking under it smoothly as he aimed a fist for your stomach.

you stumbled back and rolled your eyes at mako's cocky grin.

however, his success did not last. you circled your wrist bringing the water down over mako's head, his body soaked and smile gone. the water pooled at his feet, the liquid almost soaking you too from your place on the ground.

"i thought i said no bending," he groaned as he grabbed a towel from the corner. mako pulled off his tank top, bare chest exposed as he dried himself off.

your eyes widened but you didn't avert your gaze, you allowed yourself to shamelessly check him out in this moment. mako caught you, his movements slowing as he walked back to you.

"you're staring," he stated simply.

you nodded, "yep."

he extended his hand for you too take but you were too distracted to take it. the firebender chuckled deeply - he decided to just pick you up instead.

mako's large hands landed on your waist as he pulled you up towards him, your hands landing on his chest. it was hard to pull away when he stood so close and his hands felt like electricity under the fabric of your shirt.

mako looked at you so intensely, one creeping higher towards your bra-strap and the other crawling dangerously low.


you were silenced by his lips landing on yours, mako bringing your body impossibly closer to his own. you kissed back with passion, the usually brooding firebender groaning lustfully under your touch.

your fingers tugged at the wet hair at base of mako's neck, his lips leaving yours to make contact with your neck - every rough needy touch sure to leave a mark later.

you didn't care nor did you mind, a moan escaping your swollen lips from the sensation of mako's touches.

you would make sure that next time, when mako asks you to train, you immediately said yes.

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