ty lee | gay panic

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summary - that time mai and ty lee visit kyoshi island and the acrobat seems to be some very attracted to one of the new warriors
warnings - gay panic ❤️

the girls watched appa fly away, the shrinking and waving figure of aang disappearing as the two walked into the island.

suki was there to greet the fire nation girls with a hug, an action none of them would've accepted a few years ago (well, mai still wouldn't accept the gesture but she didn't have much choice).

"ty lee, the warriors are so excited to see you again and mai, i'm so glad you could tag along. i sorta forgot to update zuko on an addition to the team."

mai struggled to pull out of the hug but once she finally freed herself she stared at suki confused.



suki guided the girls to where the warrior currently trained, all but one of them wearing the full uniform.

"so a couple of the girls are still at the palace, right?" mai asked the leader.

she nodded as the two two started to talk about things ty lee didn't seem to be interested in. what she was interested in was the girl not in uniform.

the acrobat quickly greeted the rest of the group before making her way to the other side of the room where you moved with a fan. you wore short and a green vest, your strong arms being visible to the sun - light shone on your skin, the rays making your lethal moves look graceful.

ty lee almost forgot to stop walking foward, the golden fan you held being swung just in front of her face.

you dropped it in embarrassment, the item falling to ground silently as the two of you stared at each other.


"that was amazing," ty lee gasped. "you're beautiful! t-that was beautiful," she choked.

"thanks! you're beautiful too- i mean, that was- thank you!" you replied quickly.

mai and suki watched ty lee stutter from the other side of the room, the two surprised to see the bubbly girl act so awkward around someone. mai eyed suki.

"this must be the gay panic you told me about," she said.

suki chuckled, the other warriors finding humour in the practical heart eyes you and ty lee looked at each other with.

"yes," suki smiled. "gay panic."

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