mako | the girl with the red ribbon

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summary - that time mako & a stranger connect on a deeper level than before
warnings - it's a bit short but this shit is poetry, i'm proud of myself <3

the girl with the red ribbon.

that was the only way mako could identify you, the only way he could talk about you. for months you had been a constant appearance but 'the girl with the red ribbon' was all he had to go off of.

it was a funny sort of relationship - if you could even call it that.

the most communication the two of you had was a 'good luck' 'good match' and a 'goodbye' which would be exchanged between shy smiles and brief accidental touches.

the girl with the red ribbon.

you watched mako play from the large crowd around you with an excited grin, your hands clapping eagerly when his brother managed to assist him in winning a round.

the chemistry between him and his team was amazing, it was a chemistry you sometimes wish you had with him too. you weren't brave enough to let him know but you weren't opposed to making it clear either.

the match seemed to pass quickly and soon you found yourself congratulating the fire ferrets for their win with an excited cheer.

mako, who was still in the arena tired and proud, caught a glimpse of you in the crowd, your signature hair accessory separating you from the rest.

he smiled softly and rose his hand hoping you would get his unspoken message.

you grinned back. for the first time your interaction was more of a hello, not a goodbye.

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