bolin | firelord's approval

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summary: that time bolin plans to propose to y/n, zuko's granddaughter (requested by @autogirls)
warnings: i didn't proof read this because i'm so exhausted,, so so sorry i'll get to editing after i sleep

"so... you would like to take my granddaughter's hand in marriage?"

bolin gulped as he stood in front of fire lord zuko nervously, his hands clutched tight behind his back as he nodded frantically.

"yes sir, we've been by each other's side for almost 7 years now and there isn't anyone else on this planet i would trade her for. i love y/n so much and i really really hope you would grant me your approval because that would mean so much to me your majesty-"

"you can just call me zuko. bolin, i see how much you love and how much you care about her and i would be lying if i didn't see this day coming."

the fire lord stood up from throne and slowly approached the earth bender emotionless.

immediately, bolin's heart dropped and he felt all hope disappear from his system.

soon they stood face to face, zuko's firmly placing a hand on bolin's shoulder with a fiery seriousness.

"tell me now and truthfully. if she were ever to get hurt by you... would you be prepared to accept the consequences? under no circumstances must you my dear grandchild. do i make myself clear?

bolin nodded, a smile appearing on his face. "i will never hurt y/n. i promise she means so much to me and i would never ask for her hand without your blessing."

the fire lord released his shoulder and took his hand, a smile developing on his face also.

"let's do this then."


"you didn't have to do this you know," you grinned as you sat opposite bolin.

he shrugged his shoulders casually as the waiter took your menus away. "i just wanted to treat you tonight," he said.

it was a fancy restaurant, a red and gold theme running throughout. people that dined here seemed to be very upper class, all dressed in gowns and suits like bolin and you were.

the only difference was you two weren't as snobby as them. you enjoyed the night together instead of partaking in whatever upper class sterotypes the others seemed to have.

this included bolin not so subtly sending a small pillar of earth underneath a rude customers table to uneven it.

you laughed, smiled and ate together for hours until the two of you were the last ones in the restaurant.

you sighed happily, "this was a great night, thank you."

bolin nodded frantically, "yeah- yeah it is but uhm..." he paused and eyed the balcony seeing zuko give him a thumbs up.

quickly, bolin rose from his seat and stretched out his hand. "why don't you head outside onto the balcony? i'll meet you there in a second."

you rose a curious eyebrow at him but took his hand anyway as he gracefully helped you up from your seat. the earth bender then walked away to the men's room as you stepped outside, the cool air breezing on your body.

"it's a wonderful night isn't it?"

you whipped your head towards the voice, your hands raised ready to defend yourself but immediately calmed once you realised it was your grandfather.

"wow... you scared me," you sighed.

zuko chuckled as he stood next to you on the balcony's edge.

"there's nothing is as scary as it might seem
y/n. in this world i have seen and endured hardships that at first were scary but soon turned out to be events that would mould the people around me and i for the better."

you smiled. "iroh would've been proud of your words..." pausing for a few moments you turned to him directedly.

"change," you said. "why are you talking to me about change?"

the fire lord took your hand in his, his aged thumb brushing against your palm. zuko didn't speak, his eyes glossy and lips almost trembling.

before you could question the sudden emotions zuko displayed, he turned you around.

you gasped, as he placed your hand in bolin's, his grin shining up at you from one knee on the ground.

"oh spirits," you whispered, your eyes beginning to water like your grandfathers.

bolin kissed your hand, his eyes never leaving yours. the sight of him in the moonlight, the spirit of yue shining on his face, the stars shining in his eyes and the velvet box he held.

beautiful words were exchanged that night, soft touches, happy tears and soon, eventually, an emerald and ruby ring on your finger.

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