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Things you NEED to know before reading.

I do not credit any of these characters, they are J.K. Rowlings. However if you see a name you do not recognize it is a character that I came up with.

Casima Sallow is my original character (OC).

Italics is something that can be read, a memory or a dream, bold means it's important or an announcement,and stars are time lapses.

^About Her^

She comes from a Pureblood family, but barely anyone knows. Most people believe that Casima is muggle born, based on her knowledge of the muggle world. By the time she was able to read and write, she held an interest in anything muggle. Casima actually took a few muggle classes online and really enjoyed math, which was quite similar to arithmetic. She met the twins on the train in their first year. She has known them ever since. Casima spent most summers in the Burrow, due to her parents' love for traveling during the summer holidays. She does not have a very strong relationship with her parents, but instead with her house elf Cipsey. Casima is in Gryffindor house, even though she comes from a line of Slytherins and most of her family originated from Durmstrang.


I will be following the storyline to the best of my ability. I will be using a combination of character lines from the books and movies. Make sure to leave questions and comments. 

Thank you for reading!!! Enjoy!!

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