15. Missing

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Connie's P.O.V

I walked back to my house on my own. I was a little scared, but I tried not to let it bother me. My home wasn't too far, but it was a good distance.
There were some passing cars as I walked, I kept my head low, and hoped none of the cars contained trouble.
Lucky for me, they didn't, and I made it home perfectly safe. I walked inside my house, and sat down on the couch. As I did, something accured to me.
When one of the cars was passing by me, I glanced up for a second. It was a blue Mustang, it looked just like the one that Bob and Randy had, and it was going towards the lot.
I hoped that Johnny and Pony weren't at the lot anymore, and that the mustang wasn't Bob and Randy. I wondered if I should go back and warn Pony and Johnny, but I decided not to. I figured I was probably just being paranoid.
I got ready for bed, and walked into my room. My brother was already asleep, and I didn't want to trip this time. So, I made sure to watch my feet. I made it to the bed, and layed down. I read my fifteen minutes, and went to bed.
I woke up the next morning, fairly late. When I looked at the time and saw it said 2 : 08 p.m, I got right out of bed. I didn't have anywhere to be, but I didn't want to spend the day sleeping.
I grabbed a pink shirt and some Jean shorts, along with a red flannel off of the edge of my bed, and got dressed. I tied my hair into a simple ponytail, and tied a pink ribbon around the elastic hair tie.
I walked into the living room, and didn't see anyone. I was home alone again. I got some cereal, and sat on the couch. I turned the TV on to the news. I always liked the news, I don't know why, guess I just liked knowing what was happening.
I sat there for a whole hour, taking in every detail. Who got jumped, who was killed, who robbed what and when, who was on the run, and what changes were happening to the town.
I heard a knock at the door, and got up to answer it. I wasn't sure who would be at my house right now, or why they would be.

" Hey Connie. " Samantha said as I opened the door. She sounded worried or sad in some way.

" Hey? " I said, glancing over at Laura who also seemed like her thoughts were on something.

" We have something we need to tell you that we thought you would like to know. " Samantha continued.

" Okay, do you want to come in? " I asked.

" If you don't mind, I guess we could. " she said with a small smile.

" Okay, c'mon. " I said as we walked into the house. I shut the door behind us and went to join the girls in the living room.

" Thanks Connie. " Samantha said smiling.

" Of course, what did you need to tell me? " I asked, worried by what they would say based on their expressions.

" It's Pony and Johnny. " She started, then paused. As soon as she said the two boy's names, last night came back to me. I remembered the Mustang heading towards the two, and I tried to prepare myself for what the girls were going to say next.

" They've gone missing. " Laura quickly added, she looked like she was struggling not to say something.

" What? Since when? " I asked as my heart sunk to my stomach.

" Last night. " Samantha said looking down at her hands.

" What happened? " I asked.

" Well, Darry said the kid came home, and Darry was mad at the time. The three brothers got into an arguement, and Darry accidentally ended up pushing Pony. Pony ran out, and that was the last they saw of him. Now, Johnny, we don't know where he went, we're hoping he's with Pony, but we don't know for sure. " Samantha explained.

" How are Soda and Darry? " I frantically asked.

" A mess. " Laura answered.

" What about the other boys? " I asked, continuing my interrogation.

" There a mess too, well everyone except Dally. I haven't seen or talked to him today, he may not even know. " Samantha said, her pitiful expression worsening.

" What 'bout Kaitlyn? " I said, my eyes burning from not wanting to cry.

" Oh boy, she's a hot mess. " Samantha said shaking her head.

" She's been tryin' to hide it, but she ain't doin' good at it. You can tell she's real worried. She cares a lot 'bout the gang, just like we all do. " Laura explained.

" Do y'know where she is? " I asked.

" Probably down at the shooting range, y'know that's where she thinks and takes her anger out. " Laura said looking up at me, her eyes watering.

" Alright, I'm goin' over there. Y'all wanna come? " I asked as I got up from the couch.

" We would, but we're going to head back to Soda and Darry's place, we're going to try and find Dally, see if he knows anythin'. When you're done with Kaitlyn, you can meet us at their house, if you want. " Samantha said also getting up and heading for the door, Laura following.

" Okay. Cya later I guess." I said.

" Bye. " Laura said as both girls walked out the door. I decided I was going to go see Kaitlyn, I knew she could be dangerous in times like this, I wanted to make sure she was being smart about things, and that her mouth wouldn't get her in too much trouble.
I grabbed my satchel, and headed for the door. I walked outside and started my way to the shooting range.
Kaitlyn had been shooting guns since she was young, she was real good at it. She competed in competitions and almost always won. But right now, I didn't trust her with a gun. She normally always had some kind of pistol on her, they were her specialty and the gun she could use the best.
The shooting range was a good fifteen minutes away from my house. So I had a long way to go, I just hoped Kaitlyn would be there.

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