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【 P R O L O G U E 】

"Come on grab my hand." Roni said as she extended her right hand at Jack who's panting and was about to pass out. "Sorry. But I can't take it anymore." Jack muttered. His breathing hitched and he looked really tired plus the wounds that he had are deep enough to make him wince in pain.

"Get up man. We need to hurry or they'll catch us." Art whispered. He pulled him but he's too heavy. Roni tried to help but Jack's already giving up.

"Leave me here." Jack whispered. "That's insane. We're not leaving without you. Come on."

Both of them tried to carry Jack. It was so hard to maintain their balance on the hanging bridge while helping him up. The rain's falling quite hard, making each step slippery.

"We can do this." Art convinced them.

The clouds on the sky turned darker and the rain started to pour even more. It made it more harder for them to cross. The wood bridge is slippery and with careful steps, it took them slower than the normal walking pace.


The three of them halted. That growl sounded not so far.

"We have to hurry." Roni said. Art took every ounce of strength he had left just to support Jack who's crying in pain. "We won't make it in time." He whispered.

"Put me down guys. Leave me here." Jack pleaded. "No. We won't." Roni held him as tight as she can so he won't let go. "Roni, in order for the both of you to survive, you have to let me go." Jack's voice softened at her. Art sighed and put Jack down, he can't stand this.

"What are you doing?" Roni shouted. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from Jack before it's too late. "Arturo let me go! We can't just leave him here. No. JAAAACK!"

She tried to struggle out of his grip but he sure is strong. Jack flashed his infamous grin as he lifted his right hand. He slowly saluted the two as he said his parting words to his friend.

"Take care of Roni, Art." He muttered. Blood are dripping out of his wound but he showed no sign of fear nor pain as he stare at the most beautiful girl he first laid his eyes on.

"I love you, Veronica." He mouthed those words as the darkness slowly consumed his consciousness.

I love you too, Jackson. Always have, always will.

Roni cried even more. Seeing Jack in that state is unbearable, let alone leaving him behind. She called out his name over and over, refusing to let him die.

"We have to hurry Roni. Or we'll die." Art pulled her until they reached the other side of the bridge. The unknown creatures reached the bridge. Those three monsters growled and started running towards Jack. Roni shook her head as her hands started to shake.

"No. No. Jack!" She screamed.

"Roni! LET'S GO!" Art shouted back.

They both went inside the car that they used for this expedition. Art fastened Roni's seatbelt, she was too scared and stunned to do that. He immediately started the engine and push the gas forward. The creatures didn't noticed them for they were all at Jack's side.

Roni weep on the passenger seat. She opened the window for air,  she's breathing so hard that she needs air. Then stare at the rearview mirror. The monster bit Jack's shoulder. She closed her eyes and silently prayed. She asked for the heaven's forgiveness. He died because of her. She should've followed the orders given to her by the school head doctor. Jack would've been alive. He would've lived. But he wanted to come because of her. This is all her fault. Jack, I'm sorry.

"Roni? Roni. Veronica!" Roni blinked a couple of times and saw her psychologist staring at her with eyes filled of sadness.

Oh, this is the reality. She thought. She reluctantly wiped her tears and smiled through pain.

"I know that it's a memory you don't wanna remember but you need to tell me what happened." The shrink demanded. "Who attacked your team three years ago?" She asked. Roni swallowed the lump on her throat as she closed her eyes. Various images flashed on her mind but one thing in particular, the claws and fangs. The fur and growl...

"Wolves." She answered, shivering.

"Wolves? A whole pack killed your companions?" The psychiatrist probed. Roni shook her head as an answer. She picked her bag up and showed the notebook to the shrink.

"Oh my god. Did you draw this?" The shrink flipped through the drawings, mouth open in utter confusion.

"Those were the same images I see everyday." Roni's voice cracked, as she remembered the fear of yesterday.

"Werewolves." The shrink whispered. "Are you sure about this? Maybe you were tricked by your eyesight because you were scared."

Roni held the doctor's hand and shook her head. "I saw them. I know they're true. They exist. Werewolves exist. They killed him. They killed everyone!" Roni shouted.

The psychologist tried to calm her down. "Okay. Okay, Roni. Just relax and take deep breaths." The psychiatrist instructed. Roni forcefully grabbed her notebook from the doctor's hand as she stood up.

"Where are you going?"

Roni didn't respond. She's wasting her time here. She doesn't need someone's help. She shut the door when she went out of the clinic. Even her psychiatrist won't believe her.

"But it's true!" She muttered to herself.

"Dr. Heartfillia?" Someone called her name. She turned around and stare at the guys in front of her.

"Yes. How may I help you?" She asked. One man pulled out his badge. An officer. "I'm detective Leo and this is my partner William." He introduced. She nodded and shook hands with them.

"So what do you want officers?"

Are they going to send me to prison because they think I am crazy? She thought.

William cleared his throat and showed her a map after. "The La Carmela University is hosting a field trip together with the faculty and they asked us to invite you since you are a zoologist. Your presence would help them during the trip."

Roni stared at the map and froze. "Mount A-alphanium?" She asked. Both of the officers nodded.

"Don't worry, we will accompany you on the trip."

She shook her head, panicking.

"No. You can't go there. You shouldn't. Tell the admin about it. It's dangerous." She returned the map as she feel so agitated. Her panic started to rise to the bile of her throat which made her harder to speak.

"N-no one should go t-there. No one." She walked past them, still muttering to herself.

Mount Alphanium. She shook her head. The place I shouldn't visit again.

"Dr. Veronica!" The officers called her again. They blocked her path so she halted.

"You have to come." Leo said. She glared at the two.

"I'm not coming back to that mountain nor will I cross that damn bridge!" That place will definitely kill her inside. She can't bear to see that again.

"Dr. Arturo Evans received a phone call from Dr. Jackson Avery."

Veronica stared at the faces of the police officers, slightly in shock. Did I heard it right? With a creased forehead, she gulped.

"W-what did y-you say?" She asked. Leo sighed before answering.

"Dr. Jack might still be alive."

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