Chapter 14

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Luke's Pov
What. The. Fuck! Mia still cared about me. She still fucking cared. Even after everything I did. I said to her that the other day, the day I apologised, was nothing and she still cared?

What the hell was I supposed to do? I didn't know what to say. Should I carry on with the bully act or what? Well, its not like I hated her anymore. Not as much as I used to. I guess I kind of like her, in some weird way. Actually, wait. My feelings about her don't matter anymore. She's going out with Ashton. There is no point in saying I care about her too. So instead I said something I regretted straight away.
"Well, I don't give a shit about you.Never have. Never will. Your feelings are one sided. So just get the fuck away from me and don't bother trying to speak to me. Ever."

She turned her face away from me. Please don't say she is going to cry again. I can't stand it. I already spoke about her disgusting Dad and now I tell her I don't care about her? She's right. I am a liar, cause I do care. But i'd rather be a liar than tell her the truth. The truth would kill her.

Ashton went to comfort her. Ugh. I really didn't like seeing them togethor.
"Mia, please tell me what is with the two of you. I can tell you don't like eachother. Same with Michael. Could you just tell me why though?" Ashton pleaded Mia.
"I can't. I already told you. I can't have you stop being friends with him just because of me. He is your band mate. You can't hate him. And you will hate him of I tell you."

There she goes again with the friendship thing. I guess Ashton would hate me though. I didn't want that to happen. I didn't my best friend hate me because of Mia.

"Mia, I think Ashton needs to know. If you don't tell him, I will."
Seriously Calum?
"Fine, tell him. But its not my fault if Ashton gets upset." Mia spoke, crossing her arms.
Then Calum told Ashton everything. He even told Ashton about himself bullying Mia. I couldn't read what Ashton was thinking. His expression was completely blank.

I averted my eyes to Michael who looked scared? Michael was scared. That's a first. He didn't want Ashton to know. Same as me. But now Ashton did. Ashton knows.

His hands shook like crazy. He looked over to me when Calum finished. All I could see was disappointment. It was written all over his face. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"Luke, don't say anything. I don't want a pathetic exclamation. And the same for you Michael. I don't even want to look at your faces right now. If I do, i'll probably smash them, and I don't want to do that"

That hurt. I think I just lost one of my best friends. He's not gonna want to talk to me anymore. Fuck, he can't even look at me.
"Ashton, please just try to get along with them, for me." Mia pleaded.
"Mia, why? They bully you for heavens sake. They don't deserve to be treated well."
"You treating him bad is just as bad as the way he treats me. So just get along like you always would. I lost my friendship with him, doesn't mean you need to lose it too."
How can Mia be so nice and caring? She is actually the most incredible person I know to be able to treat her bully nicely.
"Fine, i'll try to not punch them then. Thats probably the most i can do at the moment." He stopped but suddenly, confusion spread across his face again.
"Wait, you and Luke used to be friends?"
"Yeah, we were. I don't know what happened though so don't ask why we aren't anymore." Mia seemed angry. I guess I couldn't blame her though.

"Your seriously telling me you don't know why were not friends anymore?" I asked. I mean, she has to have some idea why.
"No, I don't, why dont you tell me. Jog my memory for me."
"Why not?" Ashton and Mia asked in unison.
"I...i can't."
"Why?" She asked again.
"Mia, just leave it alone. We are not friends now and even if I told you why it wouldn't change anything. So shut the fuck up and stop asking me."
Ashton face turned shocked.

I don't think he had actually ever witnessed me like this.I didn't want him to see me like this. I turned around and sat at the other side of the room. I doubt Mia wanted to be near me anymore anyway.
"Hey, what songs are we going to do?" Ashton asked. I took that as an opportunity to talk to him.
"Were going to do 'gotta get out' and..."
"I was asking Calum." He replied ti me blankly.
"Oh, sorry."
"But, you can tell me anyway." He sighed, as if to say it was so hard that he was letting me talk to him.Well at least he was trying to act okay with me.

"Well, were also singing 'too late' as well." Enthusiasm dripped from my voice, but it had the wrong effect.
"Kay." He ignored me any completely before he took Mia's hand in his. I leaned up against the wall, knowing he didn't want to talk to me.

I watched Mia giggle as Ashton whispered something into her ear. Seriously? What the hell is their problem? I can't watch them like this anymore. I should be there whispering in her ear.

The jealousy is going to give me a fucking heart attack in a minute. I tried to control it but I think it was pretty obvious. Calum walked over to me but instead of looking disappointed he was smiling?
" Why are you looking at them like that." His voice told me he already knew, he just wanted to get it out from me.
"I'm not looking at them. I'm just thinking"
"Yeeeeah Luke, thats what I thought." He said smugly.
What is going on in that stupid brain of his? Does he know?Is it that damn obvious?
"What do you think? There is nothing too think." I shook my head.
"You like her." He answered simply.
"No, I don't."
"Yes you do."
"No, I don't."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do." Wait, what?
"Ha, I got you. You do like her."

"Fine, I do like her. I do care about her. And I am a liar. So shut your fucking mouth. Them two are the 'perfect little couple' So you don't have to rub it in my face that Im never gonna get her. I think I already know that.Why did she choose Ashton over me?"
"Huh, yeah." Calum laughed sarcastically.
"I might have a clue why she chose him over you. You fucking bully her."
"Shut up Calum. You don't know why I bully her."
"I think you made it pretty clear why, dumbass. You like her. Your just one of those idiots that bully their crush to get attention. You used to be her freaking best friend, I think you had most of her attention.What could possibly make you think that ruining your friendship would get her to like you?"
"I've only recently started liking her in that way." I confessed.
"Then, why do you bully her? It doesn't make any sense."
His eyes begged me to tell him the reason. But what was I supposed to do? Would he tell anyone if I told him. He was my best friend. I guess it was time to tell someone then!

Hi guys
I know I havnt updated in ages and im really sorry. I was really busy at first but then it was just because I didnt know what to write. Writers block I guess. Then, when I finally got my shit togethor and wrote a chapter, my bloody wattpad stopped working, so i couldnt type it up on here. So im really sorry.Sorry if this is a really bad chapter.Also, HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR. I cant believe its like two weeks into the new year already. Im still writing 2014 in all my books. Anyway,
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Byee ILY all x

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