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It's been three weeks since I've been home. It hasn't been the best time for me. After I told my mom I was pregnant she told me she was disappointed in me. She hasn't really been talking to me. Other than that I've been sick all the time so I can't really work. I've just been stuck at home.

I walked to the kitchen where my mom was preparing dinner for us. I sat on the stool in front of the island. She looked at me and then she continue cutting an onion on the chopping board.

"So Chanel what's your plan now that you decide to keep this baby?"she asked.

"Um I'm going to go to work. If I can stop being sick ."

"Where you going to stay when this baby comes because I don't have any extra room or enough money for another mouth to feed. Raising a baby is expensive"she said.

"I know it is mom. I'm saving for a place to live. Just give me like a year ."

"A year? You don't have any money left from your fancy job?"she said with an attitude.

"What's with this attitude? Are you still mad that I'm pregnant? It is what it is mom. Yes I have money left over but most of my money I sent to you guys ."

"You've never given money to me or
paid for anything in this house". She slammed the knife into the counter.

"Where do you think Sam and Chris got the money to help out? I send them money to help you out because I know your too proud to take handouts. I get it you don't want to seem like you can't provide but the truth is you can't. Our father left you suffering on your ass. Didn't give you a cent of child support ."

"Oh so you know my life now? What's the father of your baby going to do? Huh? Is going to help out?"she asked.

"I could put him on child support but I know he will willingly give me any thing if I just ask".

"How are you so sure Chanel? Men lie all the time and if he doesn't have to be in the kids life he's not. Look at your father for example" she was stirring a pot.

"Yeah well Jungkook isn't like dad. He actually loves me unlike dad! It was my choice to leave. He begged me to stay but no I wanted to come home because I thought I would be welcomed. Instead I'm being treated like an ugly step child. You haven't been very warm and loving ever since I told you I was pregnant ."

"You know why? Because I don't want you to be a single mom struggling every single day. Your young and it's so hard. I just had a different future planned for you"she started to cry.

I got up and I walked yup to her. I pulled her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry mom but this is my reality and this baby is my future. I know you want what's best for me but I will make this work ."

She wiped her face and she let me go.

"So who is this boy anyways? What does he do?"my mom asked.

"Uh he's a singer ."

"So you left a guy with a wonderful profession that could provide for you both in an instant to be here and struggle? Are you stupid? Why did you leave?"she said.

"He made me feel unloved. He got upset when I told him that I was pregnant. He asked me if the baby was even his and that made me not want to be with him ."

"He's young and scared of course he will say the first thing that will come to his head. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean any of it. You know what your dad said to me when I told him when I was pregnant with Sam at the age of seventeen?".

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