C. 17

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Entry# 9

We took our journey home last night and may I tell you, the sunset has never been more beautiful. I purposely woke early so that the sun would be setting when we left the hideaway and I didn't expect for my Beasty to be so excited. When she ran into the sunlight she practically lit up with excitement. I never really cared for the daylight until last night, it was then that I seen the beauty in it. Not the beauty of the landscape or the colors, those things were not what made me fall in love last night, it was her. I would stay and chance burning every evening if it meant being able to watch the sun warm her skin, and the light reflect from her eyes to show not just green but a lovely violet around the center that was no doubt the result of her hybrid blood. I'd stand in the shadows every evening because with her, the light never looked more beautiful. She has done something no one else has ever done, she has made me fall in love with the sun.

While the beginning of our journey was perfect, what she asked soon after frustrated me. The very question I hoped would never fall from her lips did and she assumed that if she were to bear children then I would take her life. The very thought of having another man touch what belongs to me, defile perfection with their unworthy touch, I would surely kill anyone who even thought of it. She belongs to me and it seems that not even I feel worthy of touching her, even with her wandering eyes and obvious signs of arousal I still do not feel that I can lay with her, not because of the power she possess but because she may end up like all the other women I have taken to bed. And while I know I can control my temper and not end her life, there is always the possibility that maybe I can't. I know she is no virgin but to me she is pure, she is innocent admiration and power, she is unaware of the horrors I have committed throughout my time and she has yet to know my naked and scarred flesh. The way her eyes look at me as if I'm the greatest man alive, as if the atrocities I have committed do not exist, she looks at me the way no other has and it may be selfish but I am willing to go the rest of eternity living a secret lie if it means she will forever look at me that way.

Now the last of our journey took a slight turn to the gruesome side of things. As a sweet little prank and to see the reaction of my Beasty, I requested one of my followers to tell the poor thing that he had killed me and was meaning to take her away forever, he played the part very well, a little too well for the poor bastard. I didn't anticipate her reaction, it seems when she is flooded with emotions she directs blame upon herself until the poor being that caused it catches her attention and then her sadness turns to wrath and the hell fire she rains upon the poor soul is incredible. I was only a few yards away listening to the exchange and just as I was about to emerge and calm the beast there was a burst of light, bright blue and magnificent light that had just a few specs of red intertwined, I was amazed at how beautiful it all was. Not only had my Beasty used her hybrid abilities and powers, she also turned one of my strongest warriors into a pile of flesh and bones, she destroyed his host body and his soul, something only an angel with a blade can do but she did it with her hands. I was going to congratulate the beast but she had used energy that her body was unfamiliar with and in doing so she exhausted herself. I retrieved my unconscious beast and continued the journey to where we are now.

Now she lies in my bed resting as I sit here in my study and await her presence and the innocence I adore so much, part of me begs she does not recall the incident because then she will think of herself as less than pure. But the reality of it all is that here in this manor is where darkness festers. We live atop the land where I crossed into the human world, which means here I am at my strongest and here the world is the most evil. This estate holds more deaths than I would like to admit but with her here I would put it all behind, live here at my strongest to protect her for all eternity, to keep her purity to myself, to keep her eyes upon only me.

-Devniklaus C.

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