Chapter 43

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Aimi's POV

I woke up early for school today, not having as much time to get ready, since I had some student council duties along with Yuki today. I finished with getting ready, and after a little scuffle with Kyo, Yuki and I left for school together. 

Once we were away from the house, I thought about holding his hand. But, as I reached to grab it I paused, as my heartbeat picked up, and I could feel my cheeks burning. We've held hands before, why am I feeling like this right now?

I took a deep breath, and asked, "Y-Yuki, would you mind if I held your hand?"

Yuki chuckled a bit, and grabbed my hand, saying, "Of course I don't mind." As he held onto my hand, I could feel my breath hitch for a moment.

What is going on with me? 

Yuki and I made it to school soon, and as soon as we came onto the premise, I slid my hand out of Yuki's. If someone were to see us holding hands, people might assume things, and I don't want his reputation tarnished because of me. Even if I didn't want to let go.

When school was over, we quickly learned that we were supposed to be meeting in the Counselor's Office, instead of the usual student council room. 

"I wonder why we're meeting in the Counselor's office instead of the student council room." Yuki said, as we rounded the corner, going towards the right room.

I stood right behind Yuki, as he slid the door open, only to be met with a mess, and a girl sitting on the ground in the center of the mess of papers and other various things. When she noticed us, she stood up right away, her back still to us.

"I'm sorry, I'll clean it up." The girl said, speaking quietly. There was something about this girl that was so familiar, but I couldn't quite place it at the moment, and I hadn't gotten a look at her face yet.

Yuki took a few steps in the room, while saying, "Hey, are you alright? If you're not feeling well-" 

But he was cut off, as when he neared her, she jumped back, swiftly turning as her back hit a nearby piece of furniture. 

"I'm fine. Hold on." The girl said, going into the room right beside, leaving before I could get a good look on her face, dropping everything she had just picked up. When she entered, she said, "Manabe, get up. Somebody's here." The guy groaned, not wanting to get up, or at least, he didn't until she said. "It's Yuki Sohma."

I guess she hadn't noticed my presence in the doorway of the room yet.

The guy, most likely known as Manabe, suddenly let out a scream as he sat up, now awake, before saying, getting up and entering the main room as he spoke, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier? Now he knows I was slacking off. Which I wasn't, I'd never do something like that. I was just deep in thought, with my eyes closed." Manabe, turned on the lights, and noticed the state of the room, continuing. "Wow, what a mess. Aw man, are you at it again Machi? You better start cleaning this up."

Machi? Could she be the same Machi from back then?

"I'm Kakeru. Kakeru Manabe, if you want to know the whole name. And its nice to meet you. People call me all sorts of things. Manabe of course, or Kakeru. Those are the obvious ones. And there's Nabe, or 'Hey you'. Anyway, call me whatever you want. Actually scratch that, I'd prefer if you called me Sho. I could use a change of pace." The guy said, introducing himself to Yuki.

Yuki went to introduce himself, only the Manabe to hold up his hand, and said, "No! Stop right there! There's no need for you to introduce yourself, Yuki Sohma. By the way, I'm a second year. Class A, if you're interested. And that's Machi Kuragi, a first year."

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