Chapter I :edited

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**The Day I Met You**

It was a serene sunny day, with birdsong filling the air and fluffy clouds drifting lazily across the sky. The gentle breeze tousled your (H/L) (H/C) hair as you sat by the tranquil lake, engrossed in your book. Time slipped away unnoticed, and as the sun began its descent, casting hues of yellow and red across the sky, you reluctantly gathered your things to head home.

However, a sudden flash of bright pastel blue caught your attention. Curiosity piqued, you cautiously followed the mysterious light through the dense trees until you stumbled upon a man lying on the ground.

He had striking silver hair and a mask covering part of his face, his lone exposed eye shut in pain. Concerned, you approached him and realized he was struggling, sweating profusely. Acting swiftly, you removed his headband and checked his temperature, murmuring to yourself, "He's burning up..."

With careful determination, you managed to lift him and carry him to your car, hoping to provide him with comfort and aid.

🍥 **Time Skip To Your Car Park** 🍥

Eventually, you arrived home and carefully carried the unconscious man inside, laying him on your bed. You hurried downstairs to fetch a bowl of ice water and a damp cloth, returning to his side to cool his feverish brow. After ensuring his comfort, you retrieved your book and settled at your desk, but fatigue soon overtook you, and you drifted off, papers scattered around you.

🍥 **Time Skip To Morning** 🍥

You awoke to the gentle light filtering through your curtains, stretching as you rose to start your day. After tending to your morning routine and checking on the silver-haired man, you noted with relief that his fever had broken. Quietly letting him rest, you dressed and had your breakfast, finally deciding to let him sleep longer before venturing downstairs to read.

🍙 **Kakashi's POV** 🍙

I awoke with a pounding headache, blinking against the bright morning light filtering through unfamiliar surroundings. Slowly sitting up, I surveyed the room—a cozy blend of earthy tones and scattered houseplants. Spotting my Jōnin uniform, I dressed quickly, careful not to disturb my host.

Quietly descending the stairs, I heard a soft sneeze and found myself facing a young woman with (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, who appeared to be in her twenties. She greeted me with wide eyes that softened into a warm smile.

"So you're finally awake, huh," she said gently. "Would you like something to eat? It's already past lunchtime."

"Um, sure, if you don't mind," I replied awkwardly, feeling out of place yet grateful for her hospitality.

She chuckled lightly and headed to the kitchen, leaving me to reflect on the unusual circumstances that brought us together.


As the aroma of breakfast filled the air, I couldn't help but marvel at the kindness of the woman who had taken me in. Despite the headache lingering at the back of my skull, I followed her into the kitchen, where she moved with a grace that seemed out of place in such a tranquil setting.

"I hope scrambled eggs and toast are okay," she said, her voice soft yet confident as she busied herself at the stove.

"That sounds perfect," I replied, watching her with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. "Thank you for taking care of me."

She glanced over her shoulder, offering me another gentle smile. "It's the least I could do after finding you in that state," she said, her tone carrying a hint of concern.

I nodded, a pang of guilt tugging at me as I realized I had intruded upon her peaceful day by the lake. "I'm sorry for the trouble," I started, but she waved off my apology with a dismissive gesture.

"It's no trouble at all," she assured me, setting a plate of food in front of me. "I'm just glad you're feeling better."

Taking a cautious bite, I savored the simple flavors, my mind racing with questions about how I ended up here and who this woman was. Sensing my curiosity, she sat across from me, her own plate untouched as she regarded me with a thoughtful expression.

"I didn't catch your name," she said softly, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between us.

"It's Kakashi," I replied, meeting her gaze with a mixture of relief and intrigue. "And you?"

Her smile widened, a flicker of amusement dancing in her eyes. "I'm [Your Name]," she introduced herself, extending her hand across the table. "Nice to officially meet you, Kakashi."

I hesitated only briefly before shaking her hand, struck by the warmth of her touch and the genuine kindness in her eyes. "Likewise," I replied, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over me.

As we ate in companionable silence, I couldn't shake the feeling that this chance encounter had brought something unexpected into my life—a connection I hadn't realized I was missing.


The morning passed in a comfortable haze of conversation and shared glances, each moment deepening the connection between Kakashi and [Your Name]. They talked about trivial things—favorite books, hobbies, and the beauty of the lake where they had first met—but underneath the surface, an unspoken understanding grew.

Kakashi found himself drawn to [Your Name]'s warmth and compassion, qualities that contrasted sharply with his own solitary existence as a ninja. He admired her gentle nature, the way she cared for others without hesitation, yet he couldn't shake the feeling that his presence here disrupted the peace she clearly cherished.

Meanwhile, [Your Name] was equally intrigued by Kakashi. His mysterious demeanor and quiet strength intrigued her, and she couldn't deny the flutter of excitement whenever their eyes met. She found herself looking forward to his rare smiles, fleeting moments that revealed a depth of emotion beneath his stoic facade.

As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow through the kitchen window, Kakashi offered to help with the dishes, a gesture of gratitude for [Your Name]'s hospitality. She accepted graciously, their hands brushing briefly as they worked side by side, sending a jolt of electricity through both of them.

Later that evening, as dusk settled over the quiet neighborhood, [Your Name] suggested they take a walk by the lake. Kakashi agreed, silently grateful for the opportunity to spend more time with her, to unravel the mystery of why fate had brought them together.

The lake shimmered under the fading light, its surface reflecting the first stars of the evening. They walked in comfortable silence, the air thick with unspoken words and unexplored emotions. Finally, Kakashi broke the quietude.

"Thank you for everything," he said softly, his gaze fixed on the water ahead. "I owe you more than words can express."

[Your Name] smiled, her heart skipping a beat at the sincerity in his voice. "You don't owe me anything, Kakashi," she replied, her tone gentle yet firm. "I'm just glad I could help."

They stopped at the edge of the lake, the tranquil scene enveloping them in a cocoon of peace. Kakashi turned to face [Your Name], his eyes searching hers for something he couldn't quite name.

"You know," he started hesitantly, "I don't usually... find myself in situations like this."

[Your Name] raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "You mean getting rescued by a random woman in the middle of the forest?"

Kakashi chuckled softly, the sound resonating deep within him. "Exactly," he admitted, his mask slipping just a fraction to reveal the vulnerability beneath.

They stood there, the distance between them narrowing until their fingers brushed once more. Kakashi's heart raced, unsure of where this unexpected connection would lead, but unwilling to deny the pull he felt towards [Your Name].

As they walked back to the house, the evening air filled with the promise of new beginnings and unspoken possibilities. Little did they know, their meeting was just the beginning of a journey that would challenge them both in ways they never imagined—and perhaps, lead them to discover a love that had quietly been blooming beneath the surface all along.


Hope you enjoy!

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