Chapter IX

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🍱 Warning there is some swearing, sexual talk and activities in this nothing like a lemon though that comes in later. Hope you enjoy! 🍱


🍙 Author POV 🍙

"Very well done my dear..." an man wearing a blue bottom up top and a black blazer said. (Pic is up there).

"Why are you here?" The (H/C) haired girl ask in a threatening tone.

"Oh, come now, is that any was to treat me? Your-"

"Let me get something clear. You are not anything to me! You got that old man!"

"Oh is that so? *Sigh* and here I thought that I was going to gat a warm welcome from my niece."

"And why would i give a warm welcome to you? You did nothing but abuse me and then kicked me out to defend for my self! Not only that but you to-" you yelled untill he cut you of.

"*Sigh* my dear (Y/N) I did that for your own good. See you have second an excellent woman." You glared at him.

"Anyway to answer your questions from earlier I am her to introduce you to someone you will have to marry when he proposes to you and you will have to say yes whether you like it or not. Also if he doesn't like you then I have plenty of guys waiting to play with you."

As soon as he finished saying that a tall badass looking guy came walking in with a milkshake. ( Pic below. I do not in this picture)

'oh hell no what dose he thinks I am a toy to be given away!! Bitch if you ever lass a finger on me that's the end of his life

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'oh hell no what dose he thinks I am a toy to be given away!! Bitch if you ever lass a finger on me that's the end of his life.'

"So what do you think Daniel. Do you think she's going enough?" My uncle ask the guy.

"*Chuckles* aren't you a cute one I think I will like playing with you sweet heart."

You were speechless. Wide eyed, you didn't know what to say. Not able that but the hole café was staring at you. You looked at your newly made friends to see their shocked experience.

'what should I do now I can't just let him take me that would me I gave in to him!'

"Now then, I have claimed you as my own. I think that we should get to know each others in a deep level? What do you say sweet heart?" He can closer  as he was speaking.

But little did you know that Kakashi was pissed he doesn't know why. Seeing you sexually harassed by a guy how you just met made his blood boil. As the guy who's name was Daniel came close to you, kakashi body reacted by it's self.

You suddenly felt to muscly army around your waist. Looking behind,you saw kakashi he had his chin on your shoulder and whispered "play along." You did what you were tolled with a tomato face.

"Hay there babe ,how is this may I ask?" Kakashi said In a handsome voice which sent silvers down you spin.

"O-oh nothing m-m-my l-love just a r-r-random guy." You stuttered.


"So is this basterd bothering you babe?" You just gave kakashi a little nod.

"Excuse me what did you just call?! And she is mine not yours you got that basterd!!!" He yelled at kakashi.

"I'm sorry but I don't think she is your. You haven't macked her." Kakashi smirked under his mask.

🍱 Sexually activity ( Keep in mind that this is my first time writing this so I don't really know what I'm doing.)🍱

Before you knew it a pair of warm lips touch your bare neck. Makeing you grasp and blush like hell by kakashi's sudden action.

'what?!' you asked/yelled at your self.

You try to keep you moan in but it failed miserably, so you couldn't be bothered to holed them in.

"K-kashi mmm~ w-hat are you d-doing? mmm~ " you asked in between moans.

You felt him smirk in to the kiss that he placed all over your neck.

You looked at your uncle and Daniel they had shock, disbelief and anger in their eyes.

After a second or two kakashi find your sweet spot which cases you to moan.


He kept on liking,sucking and kiss your sweet spot over and over again. Giving you a hiky. ( I think that's what's its called  tell me if I'm wrong.) Soon he pulled away and quickly put his masks back on.

🍱 End 🍱

"I think I own her now." He gave Daniel another smirk.

"You basterd you will pay for this!!" And with that him and your uncle were out of there.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) I didn't get your consent. Can y-" he whispered into my ear.

"O-oh n-no it's f-fine... I-I kind l-liked i-it." You couldn't look him in the eyes/eye because you were a blushing mess. You were touch the bruise that was on your neck.

You looked at the time and it was nearly six. You walk over and told them you and Kakashi had to go because it was getting late you pay for everyone and gave Kelly your phone number and the two of you were off.

The car journey was in awkward silence. You two wanted to speak to each other but, didn't know what to talk about. You did make some small talk here and there. And not to mention kakashi fear of cars.

🍥 Time skip brought to you by a white haired pervert🍥

🍙 Kakashi POV 🍙

We both made it back to her house I felt guilty for what I did to her but glad at the same time I don't know why but it fell... Right. The way I heled her in my arms it fell so warm and lovely. I don't know how express it but it felt nice.

You just met her today stop it for god sake...'

We both helped eachother put the groceries away. Before she made some dinner.

"Hay kakashi dinner's ready I made Miso soup with eggplant." She called for me.

As soon as I heard her say that I was already at the table. We both ate in silence well I was already finished before I broke it.

"Umm h-hay (Y/N) I'm sorry for what I did in the café." I apologise while looking down.

"Kakashi I said it was fine, ok. You don't need to apologise." She gave me a close eyes smile.


"kakashi." she cut me off.

"Ok. Oh and by the way this miso soup with eggplant was amazing." I gave her a closed eye smile.

"I'm glad you like it!"

And after that we sat on the sofa and read or watch anime/other programs. After a few hours we got ready and went to bed.

I took the guest rooms well my room now and (Y/N) took back her room  which was to the right of mine and the other guest was on the left. After a few minutes I finally fell asleep.

🍱 Woooo another chapter done 😝 Hope you like.🍱

In A Different World 💕 Book 1: How You Met MeWhere stories live. Discover now