Chapter IV

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🍱sorry this took a long time but as it said in my A/N I hand a very bad writers blocks. thanks to AngelisDelossantos9 the ideas for this chapter. you all like this chapter. 🍱

My cheeks aren't even hotter when I saw her gentle smile and that sweet little chuckle.

'What is wrong with me!?' I mentally yell at myself. Times like this i am glad that I'm wearing a masks.

She looked at the clock in the living room. It said 3:00.

"well we could go and get you some new clothes now. Then after that we could go and get some take out or something, if you want?" She asked me whilst looking back to the clock.

"Um... Sure. why not?" I replied back and with that we set off.

Keeping my guard up.

What is a car?

🍙 Kakashi POV 🍙

As she looked the door to here house and the gate were began walking to a strange tin can.

'what the hell is that? Is it a weapon can it move? What dose it do? Will it hurt he? should I attack it? just in case it moves I will hide be hind the gate and wait to see wat I dose.' Kakashi thinks to him self faster than usual.

"um... Are you ok?" (Y/N) ask with a confused expression on her face.

I shushed her up and pointer at the tin can with a serious expression and asked " What in the world is that?"

"Well that is a car to get around in and it wont hurt you." she was doing her best to try not t laugh as my reaction to the so called car.

"How can I trust it?"

"Well do you trust me?"

I hesitated for a bit before saying "Yer."

"Alright then shall we get in." She did a closed-eyed smile.

'God dammit how does she keep making me blush?! AHH!!' I yelled at myself

"Are you coming? Come on get in."

"In the car?" I asked

"Duurr, where else?"

And with that being said Hopped in the car and it started to sake, and I started to panic!

To be continued...

🍱 Sorry this is short but I hope you like it! 🍱

Edited: no need

In A Different World 💕 Book 1: How You Met MeWhere stories live. Discover now