chapter XIV 🍋

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🍱 The lemon you have all been waiting for I think. sorry I had to put that ^. my first lemon! if you don't like lemons then Idk. I hope you enjoy anyway! this book was never ment to be innocent like me. but people think I am... IM A FÜCKING PERV FOR GOD'S SAKE. 🍱

🍙 (Y/N) POV 🍙

I walked through the boor but was immediately pushed against the wall.

"Ka-kakashi?" I asked a bit shocked by the sudden action.

"You did say we could continue this later. Didn't you?" Kakashi asked as he pulled down his mask.

"Well yer-" I was cut of by his finger lightly touching my lips.

"That's all I needed to know." He smirked.

"Huh?" You raise an eyebrow

Before you knew it a pair of worm sweat lips attack attacked yours goodnight thinking you kiss back.

🍙Author POV🍙

As you continued are little make out secion things got heated. Kakashi moved down your jaw as an atemte to find your sweet spot on your neck. aventualy he fond it.

"mmm~ Kakashi." you moaned as he attacked you neck.

bitting it softly and suking it as hard as you could, giving you a hicky. his arms went up and down your waist aventualy landing on your inner thigh, making you gaspe. Kakashi travled his lips up to yours. wraking your arms round his neck, one hand on his silver locks and the other on his shoulder. Kakashi's hands brought both of your legs up. you wrap your legs around kakashi's waist.

"Bed" you gasp for air as you parted lips.

He said nothing in reply and just carried you to your bed room laying you down gently breaking the kiss. he started slipping his arms up your top as he took it of with one swift move doing the same to his top too. you looked at how sexy his body is and how this man fall in love with some on like yourself.(AFTER TWO DAY!! love at first sight?). He unclipped your bra revelling your (size) breast. you went to cover them but before you could Kakashi grade both your hand and pins them above your head.

"now, now, why are you doing that your body is beautiful." he whisper in you ear in a sexy voice that made you a pool. He

"kashi~" you moaned as he gently bit your right nipple.

"I love hearing your moans (Y/N)." he smirked as he smirked them switched breast to massage the right and sucking the left. once he was finished with that he kissed down your stomach all the way to your pants. he striped his pant of and them your. reviling your socked trough panties.

"naughty girl your already wet." he smirked as he rudding your fold which drives you crazy.

"Kakashi pl-please stop te-teasing me!" you begged.

he obeyed this time. so he took them of and chucked them across the room. putting your legs on his shoulders, he has a perfect view of you pussy. he then began to lick up some of your sweat juice making you moan even more. rudding circles around your hole and then stuk his tongue in.

"AHH! kashi!" you moaned from the sudden pressure.

he began to go in and out of you as fast as he could making you a moaning mess. after a few second you felt a not in your stomach. trying to hold it in. key word: trying.

"kasha I-i'm ga-AHH!" you released in his moth as as he swolloed your cum.

"You taste sweet angle" he said liking his lips.

he claimed on top of you just to be pushed back down on to the bed by you.

"my turn" you say in his ear indulging it a bit.

you kiss him on the lip as you squeezed his Dick that was in his boxers making him moan. you went down to his boxers as you rip them off of him shocker of what you saw you cursed under your breath.

" will that even fit..." you look at Kakashi; his head was thron back since you were putting a lot of pressure on the tip of his dick. it was 12 inches.

"well one way to find out. I guess." you dent down and licked the top of the tip and played with it.

"an-angle pl-please-mmm~" Kakashi moaned.

you put his dick in you moth until it hit the back of my throat. you suck it as hard as you could. then bopping your head up and down, putting pressure on it. he griped you hair to make you go faster. making him moan louder and louder. some time after you felt his cock twitch in your moth.





"(Y/N) I-I'm Close!!"

as soon as he finisher the sentence he released his worm sweat cums in to your mouth. drinking it all up as you like you lips. Kakashi sat up and plopping you on the bed with you face on the bedding and you butt up.

"are you ready?" he asked.

"y-yer but b-be gentle this is my first time." Kakashi was supposed. he would have ever thought that this is his first time by how you sucked his cock.

"don't worry this is my first time two"

before you could reply he slowly inserted him self in to you. your eyes started to water from the pain. Kakashi notice this and kissed you and told you the pain will go a way soon. after a minute or two you nodded you head to signal it was ok to move as the pain was replaced by pressure. at first he started out at a slow pace and gradually got faster.

"y-you so t-tight ahh~" Kakashi said.

Kakashi stoped getting faster and stuck to a good pace. well that was until me found you g-spot.

"AHHHH KASHI RIGHT THERE!!" you yelled out.

he then thrusted harder and faster whilst hiting you g-spot making you moan out like hell. he wanted tu here your moans they were music to his ears.

"kashi~" you moaned

"say it louder angle!" he trust even harder.


"LOUDER!" he trusted even harder and faster!

"KAKASHI!!" you yelled out as he hit your g-spot as hard as possible.

then all of a sudden you felt the same nott in you stomach

"Ka-kashi I-i'm clo-close!" you moan out loud.

"me too angle!" he replied as he trusted faster and harder in an inhuman pace hiting you g-spot each single time. not long after...

"KAKASHI!!!!" "(Y/N)!!!!!"

you doth say at the same time as you both cum. Kakashi puled out just in time and came allover you dack. you both clasped on the bed and you cuddled eachother.

"that... that was... good." you say in be tween gasp of air Kakashi just nodded due to not having enough energy to speak. you both fell asleep in each others arms.

🍱 I feel like Jaraiya while doing this... Oh god I have sined so badly!😂 Any way hope you like my first ever lemon. book 2 will come soon so... YAY! Sorry is you don't like lemons you just have to wait for the next book. And just to be clear this was never ment to be a innocent book! Anyway see ya later my sweet-peas 🍱

In A Different World 💕 Book 1: How You Met MeWhere stories live. Discover now