Chapter II edited

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🍱 Thank you to all my readers because I this story came #65 in kakashixreader out of 472! Thank you so much! 🍱

(F/F)- favourite food


"So your finally awake, hay." She said. "Do you want something to eat? I don't mind cooking for you." She added as she looked at the clock which said 1:30pm.

"Umm... S-sure if you i-insist." I say in an awkward way. She just giggle to my response whilst getting of the sofa and heading to the kitchen.

The misunderstanding

🍙 (Y/n) POV 🍙

As I started to cook for the silver hair man and I, he was just standing there like a lost dog. I was kinda cute the way he's awkwardly standing there.

"You know, you can sit down the chairs aren't going to eat you." I chuckled a bit

"Oh, right..." His face tuned red in embarrassment.

I was making some of my famous (F/F). That everyone in my family and family begs me to make it for them. I didn't know what he likes or dislikes so I just winged it.

As I was waiting for the food to finish cooking I sore him space out, so I decided to say something.

"So... What's your name?" I started to ask.

"Hmm..? Oh kakashi. Kakashi Hatake." He replied.

"Well kakashi Hatake, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). It's very nice to meet you." I say with a gentle smile and placed the cooked food in front of him.

As we started to eat our food in silence. I heard my door bell ring and the door slamming agent the wall.

'What the-' my thoughts were cut off by a loud voice yelling my name. 'Oh no!' I yelled at myself and ran to the door, whilst leaving kakashi sitting on a chair confused about what's happening.

🍙 Kakashi's POV 🍙

As she dashed to where all the noise was all adout I was stuck here in the kitchen confused out of my life. I wanted to go and see what it was in case She's in danger.


"(Y/N)~ WE MISS YOU!!" I heard someone yell followed by a loud thump and a painful grown.

"P-please get o-off of me... I-I can't breath..." I heard (Y/N).

I decided to go and check if everything was ok. So I walked to the kitchen door to peak around the corner to see 3 people piled on top of the (H/C) girl.

"Umm... Is everything okay?" I asked.

They all looked at me the one boy and two girls that was on top of (Y/N) looked at me with wide eyes. The looked at me then (Y/N) they kept doing that two more times. then got off (Y/N).

"Oh Kakashi... Umm, yer everything is ok." She said was rubbing the back of her neck. She cleared her throat and asked. "So what are you all doing here?"

"Your birthday of course. Why else would we be here." The blond girl said while the other nod.

"What it's not my birthday... Is it?" The (H/C) girl asked whiles getting up and dusting herself off.

"Did you actually forgot your birthday?" The short-haired brunette-boy ask.

"I think you did." The brown-haired girls said.

as they all started debating whether it was her birthday or not. I decided to go back to the kitchen and sit down and finish eating the (F/F) she gave me.

🍙 Author POV 🍙

As they all finished debating whether she know it was her birthday or not. They all looked at her with a evil grin. She shook it of and heard to the kitchen to finish eating, leaving them behind.

"Sorry adout that kakashi, they were my friends... " You said. "I hope they don't interrupt yo-" you was cut of by someone yelling.

"Hay you grey-silver-haired guy!" The blonde girl yelled.

You and Kakashi both turned around to look at the kitchen door. There stood three girls where who looked pissed with a evil grin.

'oh god here we go...' you gave Kakashi a sorry smile.

"Hurt our friend you're dead!" The brown-haired boy said.

"And it will be a very very long and painful death for you." The brunette added.

"Guys what you doing..?"you asked as you stood up and walked over to them.

"Well we're just making sure your boyfriend gets the idea that if he hurts you we're going to knock him out, chain into a table, cut his limbs off, then put everything in a box and throw him off a cliff."

"BO-BOYFRIEND?!" You and Kakashi asked shocked both turning red looking at each other.

"Yeah, you two are dating... Right?" The three girls asked raising an eyebrow.

"N-N-NO!" You two replied looking away from each other.

"Not yet at least." You and Kakashi went even rather than you were before once the brunette said that.

"Anyway who is he? If he's not your boyfriend then... Is he your fiance you would tell us if you had a boyfriend right (Y/N)?" The brown-haired boy asked.

"H-he's none o-of t-those things. I found him in the woods and he had a fever. So I took him here to help calm the fever down. Also his name is Kakashi." You replied turning back to your normal skin colour.

"And kakashi this is Lily" you point at the brunette. "Rodin" you pointed at the blonde. "And Ash" he pointed at the brunette boy.

"Hay." They all say at the same time.

"Hay." Kakashi replied looking a bit confused.

The room was getting really really awkward, in total silence. Everyone just looked at each other wondering what to say.

"Anyway (Y/N) your presents are on the table in the living room, they're from me and the girls and your parents told us to drop there's off as well." Lily told you well breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh-ah, yes thank you." And with that they were out the door leaving you and Kakashi alone in the kitchen.

🍱 Woohoo another chapter done with a lot of distractions. I finally finished it! Hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed making it! 🍱


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