Chapter VII

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🍱 Welcome back to a nother chapter of In different world. Hope you enjoy this chapter. I also made things up so do not judge. (Naruto who hasn't left the village yet and Lady Tsunade is already there hokage. And sasuke has only left three days ago.) 🍱

🍱 Key like I said I'm lazy. 🍱

K: = Kakashi
N: = Naruto
S: = Sakura

Where is Kakashi-sensei?

🍥 Somewhere In Konoha 🍥

🍙 Naruto POV

Sakura, lee, neji and tenten are going to go on a mission for to find out where and how has Kakashi-sensei. It's not even a day and every one is missing him. Not to mention Gai-sensei.

"Kakashi-sensei, Gai-sensei, where could you be?"

~✯Flash Back / Dream✯~

🍙 Naruto POV 🍙

"Hay kakashi-sensei what's are mission today. And by the way you are LATE!! AGAIN!!" Sakura yelled.

"Yer, when are you ever going to be on time!?" I said in a very annoyed voice.

"Sorry I'm late, I just got lost in the path of life." Kakashi said in a unfazed tone.

"Well anyway are mission today is to find and capture a woman called Lady Miranda in the land of wood, be-"

"Why are we capturing a lady?" Kakashi got interrupted by my dumbness.

K: "Well if you just let me finish then maybe I could tell you."

S: "why do you have to be so annoying Naruto!?"

N: "oww what was that for!?"

K: *sigh* "as I was saying lady Miranda here's a picture."

🍱 I no not own this picture 🍱

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🍱 I no not own this picture 🍱

K: "she has made people disappear."

S & N: "wait what do you mean disappear!?"

K: "what I mean is they haven't been seen since. We need to know where the Ninjas that have gone missing are. So this is why we have the mission to capture her. Not only that but have you noticed it's been quiet around here, like a real too quiet... Almost like there is no YOUTH the village anymore"

S: "now that you mention it, it-"

N: "wait... What?"

S: "Naruto, Kakashi-sensei is trying to say is that a gai-sensei is nowhere to be seen. Which means when he said that he had a mission to do to capture someone he meant lady Miranda. So she he made guy-sensei to disappear."

N: "oh, is that why Tenten Neji and Lee were so depressed when they cam- oh. Oh no..."

S: " Now you get it..."

K: " anyway we should head out now and try to capture and find Lady Miranda to tell us how she made them disappear and, don't worry about guys team Lady Tsunada said that they have to have one week off from doing any ninja work."

They were heading off to find the land of wood which was not too far from Konaha.

🍥 Time skip To the land of wood 🍥

The land of wood was a peaceful place but not a happy one. No one really spoke to each other or even looked up from the ground. So it not a pleasant place but as we kept walked through the village, trying to not draw attention to themselves.

Eventually we came across the woman with long black hair air and a red kimoto and gorgeous black eyes. As we slowly approach the woman named Miranda, but as we got closer she turned around and walked in a fast pace to the woods. The three of use walked in to the woods they cam a cross a cabin. Kakashi-sensei created a plan.

~✯Flash back ended✯~

"Naruto. naruto. NARUTO!"Naruto listen to me!!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when sakura hit me.

"Oowww!! What was that for!"

"Well master jiraiya is here so he told me to tell you that we are going to leave."

"For what exactly?"

"Naruto have you not been listening? we still need lady Miranda to see if we can bring Gai and kakashi back!" Lady Tsunade yelled. "Now you are dismissed!"

Edited: no need

In A Different World 💕 Book 1: How You Met MeWhere stories live. Discover now