Chapter X

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"Umm h-hay (Y/N) I'm sorry for what I did in the café." I apologise while looking down.

"Kakashi I said it was fine, ok. You don't need to apologise." She gave me a close eyes smile.


"kakashi." she cut me off.

"Ok. Oh and by the way this miso soup with eggplant was amazing." I gave her a closed eye smile.

"I'm glad you like it!"

And after that we sat on the sofa and read or watch anime/other programs. After a few hours we got ready and went to bed.

I took the guest rooms well my room now and (Y/N) took back her room  which was to the right of mine and the other guest was on the left. After a few minutes I finally fell asleep.


🍙 (Y/N) POV 🍙

I woke up at 11:55 or five to twelve to go and get something to drink. I took a glass of (F/D) [fav Drink] out of the fridge and brank it. As I make way up the stairs I heard shuffling in Kakashi's bedroom not shore what it could I went to see if he was alright. I nocked on the door there was no answer so I just decided to just go in. Opening the door then stepping in I saw Kakashi tossing and turning around the bed. he was mumbling something but I couldn't quite hear. I walked in a few a few steps I saw he was covered in cold sweat and breathing heavily.

'Is he having a nightmare?'  I ask myself.

"Rin... Obito... Minato-sensei..." He muttered.

'Who are they?... His friends and teacher Made?'

"N-not again p-p-please..."

I watched him a few feet away from where he was. I quietly moved forward to see him culled up in to a ball facing me and his nails parsing through his shin. I didn't what him to hurt him self so I sat on the edge of the bed. Making shore I don't wake him up I slide into the bed facing him. I puled him closer in to my chest and stroked his hair and rubbing his back. It seem to calm him down a bit.

"shh~ it's alright im here now no need to worry."

He griped onto my shirt as tight as he could. It brought a smile to my face to see this emotionless man so helpless against him own dreams. It makes me wonder what make him so vulnerable against it? And what the story is? Well anyway lets not think adout that and just focus on helping him calm down. He looks so cute and peaceful when he sleeps.

'wait what!?'

After a while his breathing calmed down. he fluted open his eyes open...

🍙 Kakashi POV 🍙

I was in the middle of my nightmare when all of a sudden they stopped. I felt arms wrapped around me and my heavy breathing stopped a few moment later. I slowly fluted my eyes open to see...

'(Y/N)?? What is he doing here?'

I didn't realise I was staring until she did a closed-eyed smile. I suddenly felt my cheeks worm up and butterflies in my stomach.

"Are you feeling alright now?" She asked me I just nodded my head.

"Are your nightmares gone?"

"... Yer." I whisper.

"Alright then I will go back to my room, if you need anything then don't be scared to ask." She gave me a nother smile.

Then left the bed. without thinking my body leaped up and I graded her wrist. She terned around surprised by my action.

'Oh no what do i do now?' I panicked in side and I remember the nightmare I had.

'Rin... I'm so sorry... Obito Failed you... minato-sensei... I-'

My thoughts were cut of by a thum wiping away my tears which I didn't know I shed.

"Of Couse I will stay with you for the night." She said as he got back into the bed with me.

"T-thank y-you..." She had soft looking eyes and a small smile planted on her face.

My eye lids began to get heavy but before my consciousness left me I felt a pair of lips on m forehead.

"Sweet dreams Kakashi." Was the last thing I heard before I fall into a beep sleep.

🍱 sorry it a bit short but hope you enjoy it any way! 🍱

In A Different World 💕 Book 1: How You Met MeWhere stories live. Discover now