chapter VIIl

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"Hay why don't we all go to a café what do you say?" Kelly asked

"Hell, why not, but first let me pay for kakashi clothes." I say as I starter to walk to the cash register.

I finished paying for kakashi clothes and we headed to the café. Me and Kelly was answering to the to boy's questions. It was cute. I could tell that Kelly was amused by the two.

The Hidden Talent.

we were all in the café and we all ordered what we wanted. we were chatting and jocking Gai ans Kakashi was tring to compete with each other. As soon as the are food arrived we started eating. I terened to see Kakashi and his food and his brink was gone in a flash like it was never there.

'how the hell dose he do that?!' I ask my self.

"umm... Kakashi, h-how bid you eat that fast...?"

"skills." it was all he answered with.

'what the hell did he engolged it or something? Is he even human or some kind of alien' questions like that kept popping in to my head until I heard someone try to play the piano in the café, well more like hitting it.

as I look to see how it was it was a 4 year old hitting and bashing it. the mother of the 4 year old apologised of her kid but the waiter side it was ok ad anyone could play it. as I heard him say that I quickly stood up and walked over there.

"sorry for butting in but could I try playing the piano?" I asked the waiter.

"of course you can just make shore you don't busterd anyone." he told me I just nodded and went to the piano.

I sat done and turned to see if anyone was watching no one was except my table how looked confused I just gave them a little smile, the mother and the kid and the waiter. turning back around and tacking a deep breath and starter playing.

🍱 play Deep sea girl 🍱

"Sinking deeper down and down in a sea of my sadness
Ive shut myself inside my own world
There is no one who can find me here in a place like this
Im alone and thats the story of the Deep Sea Girl

I dont know where I am or what I should do
But suddenly Im blinded by a ray of light
And I realized I could reach it if only I had tried
But a wave of water comes to wash it out of my view

It leaves me with a feeling so warm like the sun
So bright and dazzling, I almost wanted to break loose
But I stayed behind my counter illumination
So who is hiding the truth?

Little girl inside the sea, sinking down into the deep
Til the world all around her is as dark as it could be
Little girl inside the sea, wants to know the person she saw then
Because there is somebody who makes her want to live again...

In the place where I am now, there is no day or night
So here I am awake inside this endless dream
But I think back to the way that you freely spread wings
You were absolutely beautiful when you took flight

And once again the rays of light are catching my eyes
You turn in time to see me staring straight at you
And as you start to make your way towards me I finally realize
Its me whos hiding the truth...
Little girl inside the sea, falling down into the deep

Breaks the darkness around her with the redness in her cheeks
Little girl inside the sea, just wants to have her heart be seen as is
But the cruel ocean wont allow for petty things like this!

And I know that all the clothes I wear are torn up and dirty
The smile on my face no longer means Im happy
There is no way that I can possibly let myself be shown
So please, just leave me alone!

Suddenly all the feelings that I had kept inside me burst, melting down
And then I tried to look for you but came to realize that youre nowhere to be found

Little girls anxiety builds inside her steadily
She is scared that darkness took the one she wants to meet
Feeling trapped inside the sea, she cannot help but to reach out her hand

You also have splendid colors in you, do you understand?

Little girl inside the sea, slowly led up from the deep
As she hears songs of blessings from the snow coloured marine
Little girl inside the sea, wants to know the person she saw then
Because she has found the one who makes her want to live again!

And now that Im out of the ocean, Ill take off again. !"

the café was silent until it was broken by someone clapping and before I know it the hoe room was clapping and in shock. I stood up and bowed to show my gratitude. that was until a very low and loud and slow clap over power everyone else's.

'it cant be could it...'

'why after all these yeas...'

'Why now...'

In A Different World 💕 Book 1: How You Met MeWhere stories live. Discover now