Chapter XIII

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🍱 Continued from chapter VII. A lot of POV changes sorry. 🍱


"Naruto. Naruto. NARUTO!" Naruto listen to me!!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Sakura hit me.

"Oowww!! What was that for!"

"Well master Jiraiya is here so he told me to tell you that we are going to leave."

"For what exactly?"

"Naruto have you not been listening? we still need lady Miranda to see if we can bring Gai and Kakashi back!" Lady Tsunade yelled. "Now you are dismissed!"

We captured/find her!

🍙 Author POV 🍙

it has nearly been three days that Kakashi-sensei and gai-sensei has disappeared and there is no sign of this so called Lady Miranda the team of three suched and suched until...

🍙 Naruto POV🍙

'where could you guys be please be ok... Kakashi-sensei, gai-sensei...'


"Alright every one got that plan?" Kakashi-sensei asked

"Yer" me and sakura said insync.

Sakura was going to be the bistraktion whilst me and kakashi-sensei would attack. It was all going to plan untill Lady Miranda disappeared and nocked me out with a single hit.

🍙 Kakashi POV 🍙

"Come on out it improper to sneak up on a lady like that." I heard her say.

"Kakashi-sensei what should we do now?" Sakura asked me looking a bit panicked.

"Go and get Naruto and be back here got it we will retreat for now. I was go and distract her. No go and get naruto." I say calmly.

"Alright sensei" and with that we went are separated ways. I can out from behind the bushes to face her.

"Ah~ there you are. How let have some bonding time."

I pulled out a kuni out of the pouch and she pulled out one from her kimono sleeve. We both waited for a few seconds before we both leat and are kunis slashed in midair.

'she's fast' I said surprisingly to myself.

We did taijutsu her left leg went up to kick my waist but I've locked it with my arms. I kicked her in the stomach, she flu across a clean patch forest then hit her back hard on a tree. But as soon as she hit the floor she was gone.

"What the-" I was cut of by a scream.

'sakura, Naruto!' I bolted to wear sakura and Naruto are. I made it just in time I punched Miranda out of the way. Naruto was awake and sakura was fritened

"Are-are you b-both ok" I say breathing heavily.

"Yer thank you sensei." Naruto said

"Don't thank me yet. We need to get out of here." I say as I approached them.

🍙 Sakura POV 🍙

Kakashi sensei appoached us but just behind him Laby Miranda was there making hand signs that did a jutsu that I have never seen before. She pointed it at Kakashi-sensei and...

"Sensei!" Me and Naruto to screened Sensei turn around but was hit with whatever jutsu she did and then disappeared. Along with Kakashi sensei, he was nowhere to be found.

End of flashback

"Naruto look where you ar-!!" sakura yelled but before she could finish I bumted in to someone and we both lost are balance.

"ahh! I'm so so sorry! are you all right?" I aked as I extened a hand.

"umm yer I am thank you very much." she replied.

"Naruto you idiote I sorry miss.. um?" Sakura said.

the lady replied with "Miranda." suddenly I punched he in the face.

"I what was that for?!?!"

"It lady Miranda!" I screamed.

"you~ good for nothing bitch give us Gia and Kakashi-sensei back!!" Sakura yelled.

She was holding the lady b the coler just to fined that the was nocked out. pervy sage was just standing back watching the scean unfold, while taking a note of what he can put in his next pervy book.

🍙 Lady Miranda POV🍙

I woke up to a very light and bright room, tighed up to a chair with chakra strings. I saw four blury figers Two with blond hair, one with yellow hair ,the other with pink. On top of that I had a thumping head ack.

'well isn't this intresting *sigh*' I thought to my self. my vishion was back but I couldn't move

"hay look she's awake." the yellow on said.

"alright good." the blond lady approcher.

"Inoichi you know wat to do."

'What is he going to so to me? what did I do to them? I cant my justu. not good.'

"yes my lady." a blond man with a pony tale replied and every thing went black again.

🍙 No one POV 🍙

"So have you found anything on the justu yet?" Sakura asked hoping it was a yes.

"Only the fact that they both got sent to the world called Earth?" Inoichi informed them

"then how are we get them back?" Naruto asked getting a little bit impatient.

"Naruto, sakura may you wait out sid for me please." Inoich asked and they both nodded.

A couple of past and it turns out that Maranda can only bring one person back after four years once she brings one back. And can only send two people/Ninja to a different world twice a year. And it always a random person.

"So are we ganna take this chance?" Ten ten asked her team, sakura and Naruto. They all nodded.

"Alright here we go!" Tsunade said.

🍱 Sorry hope you didn't wait too long my sweet-peas. hope you enjoyed this and see you in the next chapter! 🍱

In A Different World 💕 Book 1: How You Met MeWhere stories live. Discover now