Chapter XII

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A **** confection?

🍱 warning fluffy and kiss? 🍱

🍙 Kakashi POV 🍙

"Is he your boyfriend friend miss?"

'wait wait wait did I just her that right? There asking (Y/N) if I'm her boyfriend. I mean-'

"Well umm-"

'quick kakashi what should I say. First thing that come I'm you head. Go!'

"Yes I am her boyfriend." I say in a causal tone.

'that the hell kakashi. You could of just say you were a close friend that is visiting! your such an idiot.' I mentally face planted.

'But as I was saying early I wouldn't mind being that to her... What am I saying hay a grip kakashi remember everyone how are close to you eventually...dies...'

Flash back to the nightmare

I was in a pitch black atmosphere there was nothing but black untill I say... Rin. I tried running after her but it didn't work.


Suddenly I was in front of her with my chidori through her chest.

"Ka...kashi" was her final word.

"No... no... no... Not again..."

It reaplayed over again bit this time I was watching my younger self do it!


And again..


And again...

"Stop it... stop!" I had tears in my eyes.

"Shh~ it's ok" a voice said. is that... (Y/N) It feels so nice so... comforting and... warm. The nightmare have gone. It was nice...

Flash back ended

"Kakashi, earth to Kakashi. you with me?" I snapped out of my flashback.

"oh-ur yer." I replied.

"why did you tell them that your my boyfriend?" she said in curiosity and still blushing.

"well why are you blushing?"

"hay I asked you first!" she pouted and I chuckled.

'how can this woman be so adorable. I never thought I would say this but I-I think I'm I-in l-l-love. from the first day I met her she always gives me butterflies her kind and caring nature it draws me in. the was her smile brighten up the room evetime you see it. I don't think I can hold me self back any more. I ne_'

"well I'm wait-umm"

🍙 (Y/N) POV 🍙

"well I'm wait-umm" be for I could even finish my sentence I was cut of by a pair of worm lips prest against mine. I was shocked but it felt so right.

after a few seconds I kissed back, it was so soft and gentle then it got heated a bit before we puled apart panting. I looked into his eyes and looking at his marvellous face. ( he's wearing contact lenses). i didn't know want to say apart from press my list once again on him without hesitation he kissed back. after a few minuets or two we parted and panting.

Kakashi: "does that answer your question?"

You: "Yer it does"

Kakashi: "dose this mean-"

You: "yer"

You: "so are we..."

Kakashi: "official? yer." he leaned in to kiss me again but the bells rang. He pulled up his mack.

"Well we can continue this later so you can stay her for the rest of the school day or you can go home. your choice."

"I think I will stay."

"alright and please excuse my students." I said nervously.

"Oh no worries im sure they're fine. They can't be Worse than mine."

"if you say so..."

🍥 Time skip end of the school day brought to you by Raman!🍥

🍙 Kakashi POV 🍙

"I take it back the were demons how can you handle 25-30 students? I only had 3!"

"Simple you just try shutting them up and if that doesn't work you threatened to cut there lunch or break short. Or my favourite giving them detention. Some time it works son times not." She said.

"Oh I see I may use that someday."

Her expression on her face suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Are you umm thinking of... Going back" she whisper that last bit. "It may seem selfish of me but I don't want you to go... Or leave me." She added and she looked the other way as she again whispered the last bit hoping I would hear it but I did.

I stopped in my tracks and took her hands and lifted her head up to face me.

"Hay if there was a way for me to get back to my world I would bring you with me and that's a promise. Ok?" I gave her a close eye smile.

"Ok." She smiled faintly. Them we carried on walking as I read my icha icha paradise.

🍥small time skip to home. Brought to you by the bin (if you know you know. Sorry sakura lovers)🍥

🍙 (Y/N) POV 🍙

I walked through the boor but was immediately pushed against the wall.

"Ka-kakashi?" I asked a bit shocked by the sudden action.

"You did say we could continue this later. Didn't you?" Kakashi asked as he pulled down his mask.

"Well yer-" I was cut of by kakashi.

"That's all I needed to know."  He smirked.


Before I knew it a pair of worm sweat lips attack my neck making me moan softly.

🍱 I will let you go to side on the rest... Now just kidding. The end this will be in the next chapter or the chapter after that. anyway hope you like this chapter because I think is the best one I've done personally but you can disagree if you want anyway have a good night or day.🍱

In A Different World 💕 Book 1: How You Met MeWhere stories live. Discover now