chapter III

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Chapter 3 here we go!! Hope you enjoy!

(C/N)-Country Name


"Anyway (Y/N) your presents are on the table in the living room, they're from me and the girls and your parents told us to drop there's off as well." Sally told you well breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh-ah, yes thank you." And with that they were out the door leaving you and Kakashi alone in the kitchen.

You Are Not... From This World.

🍙Author POV🍙

"so um... I think I should go too. And thank you for the food.." Kakashi says trying to brake the awkward silence.

"oh, year your welcome... would you like he to take you home?" You ask nervously.

"No no, you have bone enough, but thank you for your offer." he says with a closed-eye smile.

"oh alright then," you say. " by the way where do you live?" you added.

"well, am I still in Konohagakure?" He ask as I look at him confused.

"Kon-oh-aga-kur-e? Where's that?"

"So if I'm not in Konohagakure..." He paused for a second. "There what village  am I in?"

"You are in Lake village, in (C/N)." (I just made it up😅).

"So, your telling me that I'm not in the land of fire?" he questioned.

"umm, Yes?" you tell but more in a Questionable way, but you suddenly realized that he is probably not from your country let alone dime- you were cut out of our thoughts when he ask:

"Then... What land am I on? So I can get home." He had seriousness in hint ton but also a hint of sadness.

"Kakashi... Can you have seat on the sofa please." You say in your serious voice.

"what! No, I need to-"

"no Kakashi! Sit... Please." you cut hi of mid way through his sentence.

🍙Kakashi POV🍙

"No kakashi! Sit... Please." She had sadness in her voice with the last word. 'Did I do that?' I asked myself.


With that we both sat on the sofa/couch. She was looking at the ground. The was a long silence.

"*sight* Kakashi, I don't know how to tell you this..." The was a pause again.

'Oh god is she confessing her felling what do I tell her if she tell me that. NO! Kakashi pull yourself together! I just met her today, GOD DAMMIT!! KAKASHI WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT? YOU BAKA! Why are you even thinking THAT?? It no-'

I was cut out of my thoughts when she said my name.

"Kakashi... You are not... From this world."

My eyes widened. 'Did I just heard her correctly or am just imagining it?'

"Your Joking right?" I asked she looked away. I terned her back to face me and yelled "RIGHT!?!?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not..." She whispered

"I knew it. This is great just great." I say sarcastically.

"What am I supposed to do now I don't have anywhere t-" I was count of by a slap at the back of my head.

"Don't you even dare finish that sentence!" She yelled at me. "Of course you have somewhere to stay." She gave me a wide smile.

'What dose she mean I do?' I asked myself with a dumbfounded look.

She slapped her forehead. "With me baka, you can stay here as long as you want. I won't mind."

Suddenly, I felt my cheeks getting hot at from the thought of staying in her house alone with her. 'Kakashi what is wrong with you why are you feeling like this?' I asked myself but there was no answer to my question.

"But I... don't have any clothes to wear..." I say trying so hard not to stutter.

"That's a simple solution you can just go shopping" she gave me her closed-eyes smile followed by a small chuckle.

My cheeks aren't even hotter when I saw her gentle smile and that sweet little chuckle.

'What is wrong with me!?' I mentally yell at myself. Times like this i am glad that I'm wearing a masks.

She looked at the clock in the living room. It said 3:00.

"well we could go and get you some new clothes now. Then after that we could go and get some take out or something, if you want?" She asked me whilst looking back to the clock.

"Um... Sure. why not?" I replied back and with that we set off.

🍱 Sorry this was a short Chapter but I do hop you like it well let see what happens in the next chapter see you there!! And thank you for you support. Also not be afraid to give me feedback it will be appreciated!! 🍱
( 791 words)

Edited: no need

In A Different World 💕 Book 1: How You Met MeWhere stories live. Discover now