Chapter 49

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A few days had passed and Agnetha knew that her relationship with her granddaughters had to improve one way or another. With that being said, Agnetha and all four of her granddaughters were gonna go on a day out. Just Agnetha, Tilda, Esther, Signe, and Nike. On the other hand, Björn, Linda, Christian, Jens, and Isabelle were left behind at home with Danielle and Kaylee, but the two babies were already having none of it. They just wanted their mommy.

Agnetha and her granddaughters wanted to do something simple since Agnetha was an elderly woman who had just given birth to twins not too long ago along with the fact that her granddaughters were different ages ranging from 19 to 3 years old. So they each had different interests for the most part, other than music and horses of course. Agnetha, Tilda, Esther, Signe, and Nike decided to go and eat somewhere together for lunch, so they went to the same burger place that they had eaten at nine months earlier when Björn and Agnetha had both fallen ill with viral meningitis.

Once Agnetha and her granddaughters left, Björn, Linda, and Christian along with Christian and Isabelle settled down on the couch, especially since the babies were still asleep. It was best for Agnetha and the girls to leave while the babies were still asleep so that way they wouldn't give Björn and the others too much of a hard time while they were gone. Björn and the others settled down and relaxed for a bit and watched some Netflix. Tiger King was already proving to be an absolute favorite of theirs, along with The Crown, Stranger Things, and Orange is the New Black. They decided to watch Orange is the New Black for now.

Just when Björn, Linda, Christian, Jens, and Isabelle were getting comfortable and were settling in, two very loud and high pitched cries filled the house. The babies were awake and it was time for them to be fed.

"Time to feed the girls," Björn happily sighed as he got up from the couch with Linda following behind him.

Björn and Linda entered the bedroom and took the babies out of their bassinets while Christian took the babies' milk bottles out of the fridge after Agnetha had left the milk bottles there, having pumped enough milk for them to last the entire morning and early afternoon while Agnetha and the girls were away. Björn sat on the couch with the babies and with Linda, Jens, Christian, and Isabelle and he tried to feed them by bringing the milk bottles close to their mouths, but to no avail. Kaylee and Danielle simply wanted their Mama. But she wasn't there.

"Come on girls!" Björn sighed. "Why won't you eat?!"

"I think they just want mommy instead," Isabelle replied.

"That's what I was thinking too," Björn replied.

"Well Mama isn't here but that's clearly who they want," Christian added.

"Yeah true," Björn replied.

"So then how do we pretend that Mama is still in the house so the girls can calm down?" Christian asked. "Maybe they can just stay with Linda since she and Mama look and sound alike."

"Yeah but I can only do so much," Linda replied. "They know that I'm not Mama as much as I sound like her."

"True," Christian sighed as he ran his hand through his back.

"This is bad," Jens replied. "All of us are parents and yet here we are totally clueless when it comes to this situation. It's embarrassing."

"It is but it's been a long time since each of us were raising babies," Isabelle added.

"She has a point," Björn said.

"Well maybe we'll just Google it and see what we come up with," Linda announced.

"Works for me," Christian replied.

"Yeah sounds good," Isabelle added while Björn and Jens merely nodded.

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