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"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."

Aphrodite Stark.

Once we arrived safely in New York, we took our helmets off, making sure everyone arrived safely.

"Everyone here?" Steve asked as we materialised, and I nodded, seeing that Tony and Peter were safe.

We took our suits off so that people wouldn't look at us strangely, leaving my in my jeans and sweater.

"So first stop, the Ancient One?" Peter asked, looking at the sheet of paper, and Steve nodded.

"Yes, we're taking the time stone back first, especially because it's the easiest out of all of them." He said, making Tony chuckle.

"What's the hardest?" Peter asked, and I shrugged.

"We'll leave space till last."

Tony handed me the new watch that held my nanobot suit in it, and I smiled at him.

I hadn't used it yet, but Tony walked me through everything I needed to know about how to control it.

Plus, he'd installed an A.I of my own to help me out.

Tony had Friday, I had Murphy.

"Alright. Let's go find her. Did Bruce tell you where to go?" I asked Steve, but he shook his head.

I sighed, taking my phone out and holding up Siri.

"Remind me to kick Banners ass." I told my phone, and put it away.

"So we need to get through that without being seen?" Peter asked, pointing to the original six Avengers fighting Loki and the Chitauri.

Shivers ran down my spine at the sight of the aliens from Thanos' army.


"We could try Bleecker?" I suggested, and everyone nodded.

That's where Stephen Strange came from, and I know he got the time stone from the Ancient One, so she must be there.

"Run on my count." Steve said, talking like a soldier, and looking towards Tony, Peter and I.

We all nodded, and he looked at his surroundings, ready to give us the signal.

"Three, two, one, run!" Steve exclaimed, and all of us made a run for the other side of the street, narrowly missing a billboard thrown by the Hulk.

"I have a few things to beat Banner up for." I joked as we made it to the other side, looking at eachother to make sure no one was hurt.

"Who knows how to get to Bleecker from here?" Tony asked, and we all shook our heads.


"Let's just head in a direction and see what happens?" Peter asked, and then jumped up and down excitedly.

"Oh! We can get Shwarma!" He exclaimed, and I chuckled.

"I'm down for some Shwarma, maybe later though." I said, and he nodded.

"We need to find the Ancient One." Steve said, making Tony press his arc reactor, his nanobot suit adorning his body.

"I'll fly up." He said, his helmet covering his face as he flew up.

"So have you tried your new suit yet?" Steve asked, and I shook my head.

"No. I'm excited, but it's kind of weird, to need a suit to protect me now." I sighed, and Steve patted my shoulder comfortingly.

See You in a Minute ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now