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"Never forget how wildly capable you are."

Aphrodite Stark.

An hour earlier.

"Yes, my name is Margaret Carter." Peggy said, opening the door wide enough for us to walk through.

"Please, come in."

"Are you going to tell dad about Maria, or Mr Rogers about Miss Cater?" Peter whispered to me as we walked into Peggy's office but I shook my head.

"Not now, but I will later."


"I don't want to distract them, they need to focus." I explained, and Peter nodded.

"Please, sit." Peggy said, and we sat in front of her desk as she sat opposite us, smoothing over her skirt and smiling at us.

"So, who are you?" She asked kindly, and I looked at Peter, then back at Peggy.

"I'm Samantha Romanoff." I said politely, and motioned towards Peter.

"This is my brother, James."

"It's an honour to meet you, Mrs Carter." He said, and Peggy chuckled.

"Thankyou, just call me Peggy." She said, and I nodded.

"What is it that I can do for you both today?" Peggy asked, and I smiled.

"I want to enlist in the army, I was wondering if you had an openings or anything." Peter said nervously, and Peggy gave us a strange look.

"I'm not sure how you think this works, but we don't typically take recruits off the streets." She said, and smiled politely.

"It's a very lengthy process where you have to show the mental and physical strength, as well as meeting the health requirements of being in rough industry." Peggy explained, and I withheld from laughing at myself.

Of course we didn't think about what the recruitment process would be in 1970.

We didn't even ask Steve what his was like.

I thought for a moment that this would be easy, but apparently I have been proven to be gravely mistaken.

"You don't look like you're from around here, where abouts did you come from?" She asked, but I could tell her suspicions had grown.

"New York, ma'am." I tried to calm her down, and she leaned back in her chair, tapping her fingernail on the wood of her desk.

"What part?"

"The outskirts, we aren't fond of the city." I responded quickly, making Peggy nod.

"I suppose you've been to the corner cafe then?" Peggy asked, and Peter looked at me.

"Of course you have, everyone that lives on the outside of the city has tried their croissant, most famous in New York." She chuckled, and Peter nodded frantically.

"We go there every Sunday for brunch." He said smoothly, and she pointed between us, her expression going from welcoming, to cold.

"You're lying." Peggy said, leaning forward in her chair.

Before we could defend ourselves, she continued.

"There is no corner cafe." She eyed us suspiciously, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Before I call for security, I'll give you one chance to explain yourselves. Who are you?" Peggy asked, and I sighed.

I traded a look with Peter, knowing this would make or break the mission.

See You in a Minute ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now