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"Will I die as the hero, or the villain?"

Aphrodite Stark.

No words were exchanged as Tony fired a blast from his hand repulsors, and I followed quickly in his footsteps.

Steve threw his shield, knocking out a few of the men, and Peter took the high route, swinging about heads and webbing everyone up.

I shot a blaster at one of the men, and he went flying into another, knocking a few over each other like dominos.

Admittedly, the sigh was amusing.

"Who are you?" I asked, pulling one into a headlock, and he just laughed.

"Dormammu is coming."

"Who the fuck is Dormammu?" I asked, shooting the person next to him, and his eyes widened as he fell to the floor.

"The beginning, and the end."

I scoffed.

"Are you going to explain, or am I going to kill you?" I asked, realising him and aiming my blaster at him.

In my peripheral vision, I say Tony flying above heads, firing repulsors at what he could.

Peter was webbing people up, and Steve would knock them down with his shield.

Maybe we should make Steve our kid's godfather.

Huh, maybe I should bring that up with Tony later.

"Dormammu is a primordial, inter-dimensional entity." The man said, and I scoffed.

"English, please."

"He wields apocalyptic levels of supernatural power. He's the ruler of the Dark Dimension."

"Uh huh, and what is the Dark Dimension?" I asked, and the man laughed in my face.

Okay, rude.

"Dormammu convinced us to bring the Dark Dimension to Earth, so you will find out soon enough." He said, and I scoffed, laughing.

"Yeah, I doubt that's going to happen." I chuckled, and he shook his head.

"You'll see."

Before he could respond, I blasted a repulsor beam at him, and turned around as I heard a battle cry.

I watched as another person charged at me, holding a weapon I could only describe as an incredibly long shard of glass.

How delicate.

I shot at it, and grabbed the person by the throat.

"Maybe you can tell me a little more about this, 'Dark Dimension." I said, and the man grinned at me.

"It is the beginning, and the end."

"I fucking know that." I said, punching him and slamming his body into the ground.

"What is it."

"It is a vast realm that Dormammu rules."

I tighter my grip around his throat, lifting my helmet up.

"Let me rephrase." I said, punching the ground next to his head, making him jump.

"Why are you trying to bring it to Earth?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"It is the end of time. Time is relatively here, but it doesn't exist in the Dark Dimension."

"How does time suddenly cease to exist?" I asked, and he shrugged.

See You in a Minute ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now