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Part Five: The Power Stone.

"Wherever I go, you bring me home."

Aphrodite Stark

"Alright, we're going to Morag." I said, and the other nodded their heads as we looked at Thor.

"Good luck." He said, and we put the details into our suits, descending down and going forward in time, from 2013 in Asgard, to 2014 in Morag.

"This place is not what I expected." Peter said, looking around.

Admittedly, it wasn't exactly what I expected either.

I wasn't thinking it would be Asgardian levels of fancy, but a place that holds the power stone?

I figured that would be a pretty decently put together place.

Morag isn't decently put together, though.

There were small creatures running around, and one went to bite me, so I kicks it away as it let out a terrifying scream.

For such a tiny creature, they sure do have a set of lungs on them.

"Ew!" Peter exclaimed, and I laughed, pulling him in for a side hug.

"Alright, let's just return the stone and get out of here." Tony said, turning to Steve.

"Hey Cap, you wouldn't happen to remember who's gonna be here, would you?"

"Peter Quill." Steve responded, and I chuckled.

It's been a while since I've seen that goofball.

"He'll be coming here any minute, so we better hide." Steve said, making me nod and duck underneath a trench, where rocks would cover me from Quill.

Tony ducked next to me, and Steve took Peter to the other side, waving bye to me as they ducked out of my vision.

"Hey baby." Tony smiled, and I chuckled, placing my hand on his knee and squeezing it softly.

"Hello, my love."

"How are you?" He asked, and I shrugged.


"Why?" Tony asked, making me smile.

"I'm not nervous about this, but after we return the power stone, we're going to Vormir." I said, making Tony smile sadly at me.

"Not ready to go back?" He asked, making me shake my head.

"It's not that, it's just a planet with a haunted past." I whispered to Tony, who gave me a smile.

"I'm glad, you should fear it."

"I'm scared that we won't be able to get Nat back." I said, and Tony squeezed my hand.

"We will."

"And if we don't?" I asked, and Tony shrugged.

"We go home, and we settle down indefinitely."

I nodded, and Tony smiled.

"We mourn Nat, and we live the rest of our lives together."

"And if we do get Nat?" I asked, making Tony chuckle.

"We do the exact same thing, but she comes over for brunch on Sunday's."

Brunch on Sunday's sounds nice.

"I think if we get Nat back, she should be Nicky and Daisy's godmother." I said, making Tony nod.

"I completely agree. The kids would love her."

See You in a Minute ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now