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"To be soft, is to be powerful."

Aphrodite Stark.

"Thor?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yes, who are you, earthly being?" He asked, eyeing me up an down, but relaxed when he saw Steve.

"Steve!" He exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"How are you, Thor?" Steve asked, and Thor smiled warmly.

"I am quite good, how are you?"

"We're good." He answered, and Thor nodded.

"You look older."

"I am older." Steve chuckled in response, and Thor gave him a confused look, before turning to me.

"And who are you?"

"Aphrodite, I'm terribly sorry for coming to your home unannounced." I smiled, making Thor nod.

"Apology accepted, let's go sit down." Thor smiled warmly, and I gave Steve a reassuring nod, knowing he'd be stressing about returning the stone.

Thor led us to a large dining table, and we sat down while he ate some food.

"Care to try some?" He asked, and Steve shook his head politely, while I grabbed some bread.


"No worries." Thor responded, looking between the two of us.

"Are you two together?" He asked, and Steve chuckled while I laughed a little.

"No, nothing like that." I smiled, and Steve shook his head.

"She's married to Tony."

Thor gasped, dropping his food and staring at me.

"I didn't know Stark was capable of commitment! Congratulations!" He boomed, ordering for a round of drinks to celebrate, making me laugh.

I was handed a drink, and I gave Thor a cautious look.

"Is this the same super strong drink you had at the farewell party Tony threw for you?" I asked, and when I noticed Thor's confused expression, I put my hand over my mouth quickly.

I forgot, that hasn't happened for him yet.

"What is going on? Steve?" Thor asked, and Steve just gave me a side nod, before taking a sip of his drink.

So he gets to drink, but I can't.

That sucks.

"We're from the future, Thor." Steve said, and Thor paused for a moment, before laughing loudly.

"No wonder you look older!" He said happily, before turning to me.

"And no wonder Stark is married to you!"

I've missed Thor, even if this Thor didn't know me.

It feels good to interact with him again.

"You're cool with it?" I asked, and he nodded.

"I've seen strange things in my time, Aphrodite. This is barely an oddity to me." Thor smiled, and I chuckled.


"When is this farewell party happening?" He asked, and Steve smiled, taking a sip of his drink.

"Not a for a while, for you."

"How unfortunate. I am quite fond of you tiny people." Thor grinned, and I passed Steve my drink, looking at Thor.

"Speaking of tiny people, your lady friend, Jane Foster." I said, and he looked at me strangely.

See You in a Minute ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now