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"Sometimes, life doesn't end up the way we planned it to, but only because it was meant to be better."

Steve Rogers.

A few hours earlier.

I drove us back into the city using the car I borrowed, and when we reached the spot I originally took it, I parked.

We got out of the car, and I quickly wrote a note for whoever owned it.

I apologise for the loose wires, I had to borrow your car for an emergency.
Thankyou for participating in saving the world today.
- Captain America.

If the owner of the car didn't believe it was me that borrowed their car, then maybe I could tell past me to come and tell the owners that it was actually me.

I don't know.

Sometimes people get frustrated with me for being too selfless.

Maybe I should just leave it at the note.

Yeah, that's what I'll do.

I jogged with the others to the alley next to the Stark tower, chuckling at how ugly it was.

It really isn't a good looking building, Tony.

I kept my mouth shut as Aphrodite looked it up and down, probably thinking of a game plan.

I wasn't going to bring up the exterior of the building, though, since I'm not really entitled to complain about it.

He did turn it into the Avenger tower after today.

I shook the thoughts out of my head, turning to looked at Tony, Aphrodite and Peter.

As much as I don't tell them, they're a truly beautiful family.

I wish I had something like that, I really do.

"The Avengers are inside, most likely arresting Loki as we speak." I told them, and Peter nodded, looking in thought.

I've never really seen him concentrated before.

Smiling to myself, I looked over at Tony, who was staring at Aphie.

He loved her so much.

I guess their love knows no boundaries, not after Aphrodite gave up her powers to save his life.

That's love.

"Tony, take Peter and get into position." I said, and turned to look at Aphie.

"All you need to do is walk in. Act like you own the place." I said to her, making her smirk.

Don't say it.

"I always act like that." She shot back, and I heard Tony laugh.

"That's my girl." He said in between the chuckles, and I held back a smile.

Soulmates do exist.

"Peter, listen for my voice in the earpiece and rendezvous at my point, okay?" I asked him, making sure he was taking it in.

I had faith in him.

Even though he's a kid, he's smart.

"Aye aye, Captain." Peter said, saluting towards me, and I stayed silent as Tony and Aphrodite burst into small giggles, holding onto eachother.

"You don't need to call me Captain, you know that, right Queens?" I asked Peter, not actually sure if he knew, but to my surprise, he nodded.

Well okay.

See You in a Minute ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now