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"There's a light in the dark, still a flicker of hope, that you first gave to me."

Aphrodite Stark.

We arrive to Bleecker Street, finding number 177A.

I knew it was right, since I immediately recognised it from when Tony and I first met the children of Thanos.

"Alright, let's go." Steve said, and I opened the doors, not finding Stephen, or the Ancient One, instead finding a man I'd never seen before.

Before any of us could even say a word, he formed a weapon, taking a battle stance.

"You are trespassing in the New York sanctum. Please leave." The man said, and I raised my hands, showing him I wasn't dangerous.

"Hi, how are you? Aphrodite Stark, nice to meet you." I said, and he looked at us, confused.

"Daniel Drumm. What can I do for you?" He asked, still holding his weapon.

"We're here to reutrn the time stone, nothing else." I said, and he stepped back, looking overly uneasy.

"I do not believe you, the time stone has been safe in our chambers and with the Ancient One." Daniel responded, and I shook my head.

"We took it a while ago, and we will explain everything, but first we need to return it." Tony said, and Steve took the time stone out of his pocket.

"We need to speak with the Ancient One, if possible." I said politely, and he nodded, staring at the stone.

"How do you have the time stone?" Daniel asked, and Steve stepped forward as Daniel lowered his weapon.

"We needed it to stop the world ending years from now. We promised the Ancient One that if she gave it to us, we world return it." Steve said, and I nodded.

"So here we are. May we see her?" I asked, and he nodded, leading us to the rooftop.

The Ancient One was watering some plants, and she kept her back to us as she wiped some of the dirt off her hands.

"You have returned to give me the time stone?" She asked, taking her hood off and turning to look at us, smiling.

She then frowned, seeing who were were.

"Where is Bruce?" She asked, and I stepped forward.

"He couldn't make it. He's alive and well, but we had to come for him." I said, and she nodded.

"As long as you have the stone, everything will be alright." The Ancient One said, and I handed it to her.

"Sorry that we had to take it in the first place." Tony said, and he held up her hand to pardon him.

"That's quite alright." She said, turning to look at Darien.

"You may go, thankyou Master Daniel."

He nodded at her, and promptly retreated downstairs to protect the sanctum.

"Stephen Strange gave Thanos the stone because it was the only was the save the universe. I told Bruce I feared it would not be returned, and my reality would become split." The Ancient One said, and sat down next to her plants.

"Thank you for returning the time stone to me. I assume you will be returning the other five aswell?" She asked, and Peter nodded.

"This is the first stop." He beamed, and she smiled at him.

"Arguably the most important of stops, Mr Parker." The Ancient One said, and Peter looked at me in surprise.

"I know all names, all threats, all life." She said, and my eyes widened.

See You in a Minute ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now