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"The idea of finally resting with you, fills me with more peace than I've felt through my entire life."

Aphrodite Stark.

"Is everyone on their way?" I asked Tony, and he nodded, Daisy latched onto his back and Alex holding his hand.

"Cap and Nat are on their way, Thor and Barnes will be here soon, Bruce and Clint are gonna be a little late." He said, and Rhodey entered the kitchen with Sam, eyeing off the food platters.

"These look great!" Sam said, taking a piece of cheese and popping it in his mouth.

"Have you even thought of being a caterer?" Rhodey asked, and I chuckled.

"It was my dream job for a while, before I got into Avenging." I said, and Tony kissed my temple, taking the kids outside.

"Hey mum!" Peter exclaimed, running down the stairs with Rocky and Princess in tow.

"Pete! Why are you still in your pj's?!" I exclaimed, and he froze while the dogs asked Rhodey for pats.

"Uh, pyjama party?" Peter asked, and Sam chuckled.

"That sounds like fun, actually."

"Go put on some jeans at least." I said, and he jumped up the stairs as I looked at the dogs.

"Where are the kids?" I asked, and Rocky and Princess burst through the front door.

I looked at the guest list, and figured that Wanda would be coming soon, too.

"So how old is Daisy now?" Sam asked, and I looked out the door.

"Four, can you believe it?" I asked, and Rhodey gestured to the birthday decorations around us.

"I could."

"I don't need your sass." I joked, and gestured to the platters.

"Do you guys mind helping me take these outside?" I asked, making the men shake their heads.

"Not at all." Sam said, and Rhodey picked up a few.

"It's a great day to eat outside."

We walked out the front door, and as we began placing the platters over the tables, I noticed a car pull up in the driveway.

"That must be Steve and Nat." Rhodey said, and I noticed the two get out of the car.

I ran over to them, hugging Steve tightly, as he hugged me back.

"Hey, Dite."

"Hey, Cap."

I pulled away from the hug, and then placed my hands on Nat's shoulders.

"I can't believe you're here." I whispered, and she smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

"I couldn't miss Daisy's birthday." Nat kissed my cheek, pulling away.

"So are you two, like, together?" I whispered, and they shared a look.

"Maybe a little." Steve answered, and I beamed happily.

"What about Bucky?" I asked, and Steve smiled.

"We talked it over when I got back. We're better off as friends." He responded, and I nodded.

"Hey, Tony!" I yelled, and he threw a stick for Princess, turning to look at me.

"What is it, honey?!"

"I win!" I exclaimed, and he looked surprised, his eyes travelling between Steve and Nat.

He muttered something to himself, throwing the stick again and walking up to us.

See You in a Minute ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now