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"Her aura glows with poetry, roses, and galaxies."

Aphrodite Stark.

We eventually reached the city again, and Steve parked the car where we found it, not wanting the be a thief.

Technically, he borrowed it without asking, which is fine, if you don't get caught.

He returned it, and we haven't gotten caught, so I say it's fine.

We got out the car, and quickly ran to the alley next to the stark tower, eyeing it up and down.

"The Avengers are inside, most likely arresting Loki as we speak." Steve informed us, and Peter nodded, looking in thought.

"Tony, take Peter and get into position." Steve said, and looked at me.

"All you need to do is walk in. Act like you own the place."

"I always act like that." I smirked at him, and Tony chuckled.

"That's my girl."

"Peter, listen for my voice in the earpiece and rendezvous at my point, okay?"

"Aye aye, Captain." Peter said, saluting as Tony and I burst into small giggles.

"You don't need to call me Captain, you know that, right Queens?" Steve asked, and Peter nodded.

"I know, but it's funny, and I like it Mr Rogers."

"Alright, kid." Steve chucked, and we looked back at the building.

"Alright, how do I get the front desk lady away so I can take her spot?" I asked, and Peter put his hand up.

"Yes, Pete?" I asked, and he beamed at me.

"We can knock her out?" He suggested, and I chuckled.

"How do we do that without people seeing?" I asked, and Peter shrugged.

"I didn't have enough time to think of a whole plan."

Tony pat him on the shoulder, and turned to me.

"There should be a shift rotation happening in the next few minutes." He said, and I nodded as he turned to look at Steve

"Cap can tell her she's needed on the third level to help with accounting, she'll believe him."

"Then, the spot is yours." Tony grinned, and I nodded.

"That works, let's do it." I said, and we watched as Steve looked left and right, before jogging into the building.

I turned to look at Peter, who looked nervous.

"Don't worry, Pete." I said, and Tony gave him a reassuring smile.

"This one will be over in no time."

"You're good to go, Aphie." Steve said in the earpiece, and I smiled, kissing Tony and Peter's cheeks, before straightening my coat and walking to the front doors.

"There is an employee badge in the first door to the right, go through before security sees you." Steve instructed, and I looked to my right.

Sure enough, there was a door.

I quickly walked over to it, turning the knob and pushing the door open.

It was pitch black.

I walked it cautiously, and reached for a light switch, quickly finding it on the left of the door, and flicked it on.


Steve jumped up, and I fell back onto the door, holding my hand on my chest as I gasped in shock.

See You in a Minute ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now