Chapter 53: Tiger Shrine Rescue

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Carrie froze as the Dragon Spirit's words transmitted in her mind. Jago and Orchid are held captive, by who? Was Gargos or Omen responsible for the capture? Her stomach rolled in knots as a horrible thought emerged. What if Gargos planned to force Orchid to bear his Heir, just to spite Jago?

Carrie paced back and forth, panting. Her powers reacted as the Forgotten Grotto trembled. "No, no, no...."

Kim stopped Carrie's pacing and cupped her face. "Look at me! Calm down. You're friggin' losing it."

"We got to get them out!"

"We will, but you must calm down. You're gonna sink the entire island!"

Carrie stared into Kim's sepia eyes and slowed her breathing, stopping the quakes.

"There you go." Kim moved her hands towards Carrie's shoulders, rubbing them. "Just breathe." Whew! That was close! I'm not sure if Care can sink an island, but I'm not taking that chance. "Yeo, can you take us to the Tiger Shrine?"

"It could be a trap once we arrive there."

"Maybe, but for Care, those two mean everything to her-especially Jago."

"Yes, but remember that bridge you mentioned if Jago learns we brought Carrie with us?"

Kim sucked air in her teeth, followed by a deep rumble in her throat. "We'll figure that out later. We have a rescue mission to do."

Through the soul-shard, the Dragon Spirit's eyes gleamed as swirls of light surrounded them. Soon, the swirling lights faded, revealing the Tiger Shrine at night.

Carrie did not sense the warmth of this place, even during nightfall. Instead, an oppressive aura overwhelmed the site. The torches around the temple burned in bluish-white instead of pure flame. She rubbed both her arms. "Something...doesn't feel right."

"You and me both," Kim said. "Is this the right place?"

*"Anata wa," a voice spoke as Kim and Carrie shifted towards the source. Hisako appeared beside them, leaning on her weapon. *"Shadoujago wa, jeigo ga akuma no ōmen kara kaihō sa reta toki ni koko de umaremashita."

"Hisako says this is the right place. The birthplace of Shadow Jago," Yeo said. "Look there!"

Standing beside the smaller bell were Jago and Orchid, but they were not moving. Strange rock-like shells encased them with tiny green aura streams flowing.

Carrie rushed towards them, with Kim following behind her. "Jago! Orchid! Can you hear me?" Are they dead? No. I sense their heartbeats. "Kim, what's wrong with them?"

Kim waved her hand in front of Jago's face, but no response. She tried her luck with Orchid by snapping her fingers, which produced the same result. "They're turned into stone. Who did this?"

"Be on guard! I sense evil approaching!" Yeo slipped back inside Kim, and Hisako vanished.

"Get behind me, Care!" Kim instructed.

While they scanned their settings, chuckles echoed throughout the temple. A flashing blur pierced through the darkness and headed towards Kim. Before she could react, an unseen force stopped the blur, which revealed a throwing knife. Kim glanced at Carrie, who created an invisible shield. Two Mimics with Sadira's image emerged from the darkness.

"Bah! We almost had them!" the first Mimic yelled.

"Don't fret. We'll still bring them to Lord Gargos," the second Mimic assured.

Kim smirked. "I don't think so. Also, Care and I aren't the only ones here."

Suddenly, the first Sadira Mimic froze as warped outlines surrounded it. Its body twisted, breaking every bone.

Hisako emerged while the Mimic dissolved into a sickly haze.

The second Sadira Mimic became stunned at first until it glared at Kim. "Gargos will stuff you with Shadoworm dung and display you in his Hall of Shame!"

"That ain't happening, spider-bitch!" Kim shifted to her combat stance.

The Mimic launched itself in the air and threw knives. Though Kim dodged, it continued, the blades cutting into Kim's body and clothes.

Kim checked her clothes before she glared at the Mimic. She launched two thrusting kicks on the Mimic and swung her nunchucks.

The Mimic dodged and started its next assault.

Kim defended until she landed a roundhouse kick. She sent the Mimic flying with an explosive stomp and connected a flying kick.

The Mimic arose and jumped in the air and threw throwing knives. Kim dodged, but the Mimic nicked the warrior's leg. It unleashed its power and planted spiderwebs around, trapping her. The Mimic attacked before landing a powerful flip kick.

Kim crashed to the ground. As she arose, she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. I hate these webs! Now I know how Orchid feels when facing her. She returned to her stance while the Mimic arose and motioned her left hand. Both fighters dashed towards each other, exchanging moves.

The Mimic grabbed Kim and kicked her in the air, throwing knives. As the blades struck Kim, the Mimic landed a downward flying kick towards her.

Kim stumbled back but regained her footing. She spotted the Mimic charging towards her and fought back.

The Mimic tried a sneak attack, but Kim countered. It tapped into its power and planted spiderweb traps.

Kim blocked each attack from the Mimic, though receiving a few hits. Again, with these webs! They're so annoying!

"They are, but they can burn easily," Yeo said.

The Dragon Spirit's advice sparked a lightbulb in Kim's head. She tapped into her power and unleashed blue flames, burning the web traps.

The Mimic threw more throwing knives, but Kim deflected each one.

Kim studied the Mimic, and once it leaped in the air, she landed a firm flying kick. She settled in a kneeled position while the Mimic slammed on the ground. She panted, the adrenaline coursing through her bloodstream.

Yeo detached himself from Kim and rested on Kim's shoulders. He emitted a blue aura around her, sealing any wounds.

"Kim!" Carrie approached her but extended her arm with intense concentration.

"Care, what's-whoa!" Behind her, the Mimic Sadira struggled to escape Carrie's grip.

Carrie slammed the Mimic on the ground before chucking it out of the temple.

"Good save," Kim said until a slight crack reached her ears. "Now what?"

The cracks became louder as the shells around Jago and Orchid weakened. A piercing light grew brighter, blinding the women until it vanished. No longer frozen, the siblings fell until an invisible force caught them.

"Jago, we're free!" Orchid said. "How, and how are we floating?"

Jago glanced at his right and froze, eyes widened. Orchid furrowed her brows until she followed his line of sight. They stared at Kim and Carrie as the telekinetic set them on the ground.

"Carrie? What are you doing here?" Jago asked, his voice mixed with anger and worry.

"Well, I-"

"Wait! This is my doing," Kim said. "Before I explain myself, can we go somewhere bright and warm? This place gives me the creeps."

"I agree," a voice spoke. A gold tiger skull spirit detached itself from Jago. Its eyes gleamed as it roared, creating a ball of light around everyone. It remained for a while before it vanished, taking everyone with it.

Translations in Japanese:

*(That you are. Shadow Jago was born here when Jago freed himself from the demon, Omen.)

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