Chapter Eighteen

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It is non-stop from the moment I sit down. Donors bustle in and out like an assembly line. Some of Talum's meticulous planning probably plays a part in the success.

Talum stays away from me. Not meeting my glance—even for a second. Like I'm invisible to him.

But he isn't invisible to me.

He sits next to an elderly woman, who nearly fainted at the sight of her blood, and holds her hand. He teaches young children that came with their parents about the importance of donating and how each donation could save someone's life. It's hard to tell if they were truly interested or just there for the cookies he enticed them with. As he maneuvers the room, he greets each donor using their name like they were a pair of old friends. It was a side of him I've never suspected existed under his hard surface.

A bit of guilt strikes me. Okay, maybe more than a bit—more like a fist to the gut. Clearly, this was something he cares about, and I threw it in his face.

Selene approaches him. "Talum, darling," she cooes and places her slender fingers on his bicep. "First off, I can't thank you enough for today. Look at this turnout." She spins with her hands held out, excitement lighting her soft blue eyes.

"Anything for you," he smiles. Something about the way his eyes light up as he looks at her sparks something in me. Something that cares that her hand is on his arm—that she is inches from him. I push it away. How could I have been so blind—and why do I even care?

Selene brushes back a few strands of his dark hair that fell across his forehead, disguising them in the other waves loosely styled atop his head.

I feel stupid and silly—and angry, all at once. Why did I feel any of this? He was the private detective investigating my case. Nothing more—nothing less. Of course, he has a life outside of his job. I was nearly ready to burst with all the emotion taking over my body—my thoughts.

It makes sense. They parallel in beauty. Both look like they could have stepped out of a limousine even in their casual apparel. Royalty, the way everyone moves around them—following their direction without even a hint of question.

But he never mentioned her once, even earlier he said they were only good friends. Not that he is under any obligation to—detective, I remind myself. After his job is done he will move onto the next and forget about me. Something about that thought sinks deep and seems to stick.

Now, I stop watching him. For each time I see those blue eyes or hear his velvety laugh the knot tightens in my stomach. Honestly, I don't know when it happened, and every bit of it terrifies me, but at some point I began to care. And it rips and claws at my inside that he doesn't care back.

The end of my shift is coming near when the clicking of a cane grows closer. I am bent over filing some donor paperwork when the noise stops just in front of the table. The elegantly carved base of a caramel colored cane, a pair of leather dress shoes, and black pleated pants appear beneath the table. I pop my head up to greet the person.

"Hello," he purrs.

My gaze sticks on his eyes—flecks of brown swimming with shadows. I've only seen eyes that dark once. My body stiffens as I take in his long dark hair pulled back at the nape of his neck. One side of his lips curls up into a half smile. A chill runs through my body and alarms all signs of danger in my stomach. Four heartbeats—five. I can't move.

The man looks down at me, lifting an eyebrow. "I'm looking for Selene. Could you point me in her direction?" His silky voice spins a web around my body, immobilizing me.

Eight windows—darkness creeps into the edges of my vision. But I manage to point to the back of the building.

"Ah, thank you." His eyes narrow, before moving around the table. His gaze leaves mine and all the air rushes back into my lungs. I swing my head around as he walks back toward Selene, leaning on his cane. A slight limp in his left leg.

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