Chapter Fifty-Four

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I never imagined what it would feel like to kill another person. To watch their life slip away beneath my fingers. To feel the last beat of their pulse—the last puff of air leaving their lungs. But worse yet, not be able to stop it.

I curl tighter into a ball, my chest shattered into pieces. If this is how she intended to break me, she'd done it. I can only hope to ride out the night.

"I know what will perk you up," Darkness says, her voice light and airy, not at all what a demon should be. She flashes down an alley. "How about a visit with your sister?"

No. Anything but that. I search for the light—for my escape. I need to get control of my body before she gets to her. With each beat of my feet against the concrete, my panic grows with it. Knowing every step is one closer to Alma. I scour the dark. I'd found my way out before. I need to do it again. Feeling along the walls, I search for any points of weakness.

My heart thunders as she stands in front of Breccan's door. Alma's blue sedan sits alone in the driveway. Warm light bleeds onto the porch, the strike of luck I'd hoped for has fallen through, she's here. Darkness knocks, closing her eyes and when they reopen, they flash green. No—Alma can't let her in. Someone shuffles on the other side.

Alma opens the door, her ponytail tied low on her neck, and swung over her shoulder. "Oh my god, Charley, what happened?" She lifts her hand to cover her mouth. I'm covered in blood. It drips down my neck and stains my shirt.

Don't let me in! I scream, but to no avail.

"Can I come in?" My voice begs.

Say no.

"Of course." Alma moves aside, and the demon steps across the threshold. "Charley, you have to tell me what's going on. You're scaring me."

"I should." Darkness smirks, her eyes narrowing. The same excitement bubbles on her skin—the excitement of the kill.

She is ready to lunge. STOP! I scream with everything I have.

You know what you have to do. She whispers back to me.

Anything. I'll do it. Just don't hurt her.

Accept my deal.

Fine. Yes, I'll do it. But you'll tell me your name. I clarify.

A deal is a deal.

The feeling buzzing back to my fingers and toes. A sob vibrates through my body as I fall to my knees onto the carpet at Alma's feet. She curls around me. Why doesn't she run?

I rise, sitting back on my feet. Silver lines her eyes, matching mine. I run my hands across her face, I need to know she's there—know she's alive. Her pulse echoes back. I sigh and bury my face in her neck, releasing another set of sobs.

She doesn't smell like blood; she smells like Alma. She smells like home.

Pulling away, I don't bother to retract my fangs. She deserves to know the truth. "You see what I am?"

She nods, tears glistening on all seventeen of her freckles. "You're my sister. Just as you've always been."

My heart shatters all over. "Do you understand that I almost killed you?"

She nods again. "But you didn't."

I shake my head. "I'm dangerous. You need to banish me from this house. And don't let me in again."

"I can't."

"You must." My voice breaks. "I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you. Promise me." My fingers curl around her wrists. "It won't be forever. But you have to keep yourself safe until then."

She closes her eyes, a tear dropping onto our hands.

"Do you understand?" I press my forehead to hers.

"Yes." She opens her eyes. "Charley—I love you."

"I love you too." I swallow back a sob. "Now, do it."

Alma's thin pink lips quiver and for a second, and I think she might not. "I—banish you from this house."

If I thought I'd been broken before, it was nothing compared to this. My fingers slip from hers, and my body presses back as if an invisible wall pushes me out, until I stand on the other side of the threshold.

"I promise, I'll fix this." I flash from the porch before I can change my mind or —the demon could change hers.


I shift in front of a little white ranch, with perfectly placed pink and yellow flower beds. A television flickers through the large bay window, just enough to reveal the old man snoozing in a worn leather recliner. I turn off any emotion, and channel a calm. If I feel anything, I'll back out. Maybe, I should, and deal with the consequences later.

A tingle of excitement jumps in the pit of my stomach. It makes me sick. I step to the door and knock. The old man answers in his blue plaid pajamas.

"Help," I cry. "I need help." I clutch my throat, like my own blood stains my shirt.

His eyes widen, and he reaches for me with knobby fingers. "Come, come in. I'll call for an ambulance." He pulls me across the threshold. Without hesitation, I put my hands on each side of his head and snap his neck. A part of me breaks with it.

A woman pats down the hall, wrapped in a yellow robe and curlers in her silver hair. "Frank? What's going on?" Her familiar green eyes meet mine. "You." She growls. "What are you—" I flash in front of her and repeat the maneuver I did on Frank. Her body collapses at my feet.

I step over her, a delighted twirl in my stomach. I can smell her through the first door. I crack it open, the light of the hallway spilling across the twin bed. A curly haired blonde sleeps without a care in the world, just as pretty as I remember. Lilly has no idea death is at her bedside.

She opens her tiny jade eyes, locking with mine. "Shh... Lilly, this won't hurt. Don't scream. You'll be with Mommy and Daddy soon." She rubs her fist over her eyes with a big yawn. I have to do it now—there's no going back. I sink my fangs into the child's neck, as tears stream down my face.

It doesn't take long for the blood to drain from her tiny body. After, I lay her back down, I cover her with the sheet. I can't face what I've done.

I flip on the light and find the mirror. "I did it," I spit.

Darkness forms next to me, a victorious smile plastered on her face. "Don't look so glum, sugar plum. You earned your part of the deal." A piece of paper appears in a puff of mist before me. I scan it for her name: Venix.

I pick up the contract, the paper thick in my fingers. "Now sign it, using her blood." Venix points a long finger toward the little lump beneath the sheet.

"That won't be necessary, Vinex." I tear the contract in half. The house crumbles around us, revealing the forest I transformed. I smile as I feel Venix screaming inside.

I've done it. I veiled my demon.

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