Chapter Forty-One

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It's only happened twice, and I've never purposely called them. But they come with ease when I smell blood.

My eyes float over the crowd and stop on a girl dancing with her partner. Her shirt is clearly selected for the occasion, graciously exposing her neck with a deep "v" neckline.

The vein in her neck thrums. I look away and close my eyes. The breath I draw breaks away the barrier Victor put up—opens the hole so the beast can climb out. I can sense each person, like they were completely different creatures. Their scents swirl, just as strong as before. My jaw pinches, and my eyes shoot open.

I catch Victor's smirk. "They're going to love you." He pulls my hand and we stride toward the group.

"Victor." A girl rises first and nods her head. "What an absolute honor. Please. Join us." She motions towards the red cushioned seats. The others are now on their feet, their eyes fixed on Victor.

"The pleasure is all mine," Victor says, lifting the girl's hand to his lips. I hold my breath, as color flushes her cheeks the shade of a rosebud, her smell becoming potent.

"We've just been coming here for so long to meet you. And now—I just can't believe you're here." She gave a stupid giddy squeal. I can't believe anyone would be excited to be around such creatures. Creatures—like me.

I try to follow Victor, but the seats next to him are filled before I can think about sitting down. He shoots me a pleased glance. He's loving it.

Victor, your wings are bigger than I heard. Victor, I'll be your host. Change me—Gah. Complete idiots—throwing themselves at him that way. Didn't they know this isn't a luxury? This could literally mean death.

I roll my eyes and take a seat near the end of the rounded couch. I don't want to listen to their rambling, but thanks to my wonderful hearing I have to listen to every last word. I lean back to find an arm resting behind me. I hadn't realized someone sat down.

"Pathetic, aren't they?" A crooked smile forms on his thin lips. I envy the way his walnut hair flows down around his face, mine used to be thick and luscious—

I lift an eyebrow at him. "You're here too, aren't you?"

"Touché." He lifts his glass to me. "I was curious. I'd heard these places existed and I wanted to see it for myself. Name's Sam."

Victor's eyes examine him, before returning his attention to the girls on either side. Though I can't help but feel he still has one eye on us.

"Are we everything you hoped for?" I ask.

"No," he says. "Frankly, I was expecting more blood. This has been quite the snooze-fest."

I laugh and my lips tugged above my fangs. "I would hate to see what you consider to be a good time."

He shrugs with a tight smirk.

"Aren't you afraid?"

His smile fades, almost as if he's contemplating, but he leans a little closer, his pulse a sweet rhythm. "Nah, you seem a bit docile. But maybe you could show me why I should be afraid?"

Docile is not how I feel with his scent swirling around me—sweet fireball whiskey. His hand slips over my thigh—his pulse thrumming against my skin. Beat. Beat. Beat.

I brush his hand from my thigh. "Would you like a refill?" I lean forward, my shaking fingers wrapping around an empty glass sitting on the table in front of us. It shatters. I pull my hand back, unsure of what to say. Not a scratch on my palms, but the lights created colored shards across the table. I lift my eyes to Victor, who doesn't seem to have noticed.

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