Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"You're late." A tall slender brunette leads us down a narrow hallway. "He's been waiting all night for you. The least you could have done was be on time for the appointment you scheduled."

"Lace, your face is far too pretty to always wear that scowl," Julian teases. She did have a pretty face. Oval with high cheekbones and eyes the deep amber of a tiger.

"Flattery never got you anywhere, Rivera." She doesn't as much as look at him, her face stony. It might crack if she moved it.

"With you, maybe." He looks at me and winks. "But I always like a challenge."

Lace glares at him, while politely knocking on a door.

"Enter." A deep, rugged voice echoes back. We step into a dimly lit room. A flickering fire casts meandering shadows across Victor's chest as he stands from his desk. "This better be good new—"

Victor's gaze meets mine, and he holds it for just a moment before turning his attention to Julian. I feel him again, it's a nervous sizzle. He tugs at the bottom of his shirt, clearing his throat. "Everything's complete then?"
"Yes, Master. She's completely reborn. No complications." Julian's tone holds nothing playful—nothing of the man just moments ago in the hall.

"Good." His lips stay tight as he looks me over again, as if inspecting me for flaws or imperfections. "Thank you. Rivera, Lace, that will be all. I'll send word if I need anything further."

Julian nods again before exiting the room, Lace trailing after him.

"Come, please have a seat." Victor gestures to the thick leather chairs sitting before his massive oak desk.

"I'm glad to see you made this choice." A warm ripple tugs the air around me.

I wring my hands. Everything inside me is still twisted into hundreds of tight knots. Constricting and releasing as if fighting for control. But when I'm around Victor something fights the anguish my logical mind says I should feel and coats the knots with a relaxing serum.

"Please, sit." He gestures again to the leather chairs in front of his desk and holds my gaze, seeming to note my struggle and allowing me to work through it. I take his offer and move to the chair.

He clears his throat. "First, I'd like to extend my personal welcome to Ettore Estates. As Master of this clan I hope that you'll find the stay to your liking. I only regret not being available when you awoke in the holding room."

Ice clinks on his glass as he swirls the crimson liquid. If I didn't know better, I would have thought it to be a Bloody Mary. "I'm sorry. This is a lot for me. I'm trying to process it—"

"I'm here to help. The transition period is never easy. What are your questions?" He crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.

What are my questions? The question seems so big. How can you possibly articulate something that is so different then the reality you grew up with? I've been told my whole life that vampires aren't real, and today I woke up as one. Where do I even start?

"The Authority has sent out a memo about you." His voice softer as if he's afraid to startle me.

I gather the strength to speak. "I have a feeling that's not the police." Was anyone looking for me or had Talum wiped their memory of my existence? Or maybe—oh god. What if he killed them? I look to the door. I shouldn't be here talking.

His low chuckle pulls me back. "No, it's not. Every community has appointed ambassadors that make up the Authority. It's an overruling power meant to make it an even playing field for all clans. However, the Silvanos still hold most of the power and Lazarus, as the Overseer, has the final say. Whether he claims to or not."

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