Chapter Sixty-Two

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She should wake today.

I pace outside of Alma's room, peeking through the tiny window every third pass. Julian placed strict orders that forbid me from entering until she woke. Hell, everything regarding Alma had been strict.

He'd been in and out of her room more times today than any other, more anxious than I was. Each time I met him with questioning eyes. I just wished he'd let me see her. But he said it was better if I didn't see her during the change, because it's gruesome and takes a strong stomach. I wasn't worried about my stomach, but something told me that Julian really wanted to be the one to care for her.

Over the past few days he brought several sets of fresh sheets, each time exiting with blood stained linens, reeking of death. He took in countless buckets of soapy water, with a light lemon scent. Nothing that would be too overpowering when she woke.

Had Julian been this attentive with me? Doubtful. He kept me clean and cared for, but Alma would be different for him. Numerous newborns had been under his care during his time at the Ettore Estates, but none of them were his.

Julian emerges from Alma's room and meets my gaze. He's looked so different these last few days, his face never wearing his infectious smile. He didn't even attempt a joke. "It shouldn't be long. Maybe another couple hours." He chews on his cheek, hands on his hips. He wears soft blue scrubs here—not a lab coat.

"Stop doing that."

"What?" He shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

"Looking so nervous. It makes me think something's wrong."

"I'm sorry. Nothing's wrong. She's perfect." He tries to give me a reassuring smile.

"Then what's wrong with you?"

His dark eyes fall to the floor and it takes him a moment to respond. "I—I've never been a guardian before. How do I know I won't mess everything up?" Julian's throat bobs. "I mean—I've been with a lot of girls—"

I lift my eyebrows but allow him to continue.

"But this bond—it's so intense. I've never felt so protective over someone, not even my own guardian. It's freakin' me out." His eyes lighten with his admission, like he needed to get it off his chest. "I just feel like... I want to be better for her."

"Then you will be. And if you aren't, then you'll have me to deal with." I smirk at him, relieved to finally see him smile. I thought of my bond with Victor and what I would have done for him in the beginning. If they have even a fraction of that intensity, she'll be in good hands.

"Now stop worrying. This Julian is boring," I tease.

He half-laughs. "I almost forgot he was there." He pauses, running his hand through his hair. I catch a glimpse of his wrist and the 021 tattooed there. Guilt turns my stomach. "I'm going to get stuff prepared for when she wakes up." Julian turns to walk down the hall.

"Julian," I call behind him. "I'm sorry for what my father did to you. And it must have taken a lot to save his daughter. I'm proud to have someone that strong as her guardian. And she will be too. I'll never be able to repay you. What you did—"

"Don't go getting all soft on me, killer."

I smile. Footsteps sound at the other end of the hall, and Julian turns away. I take my position in front of the tiny window on Alma's door. It won't be long. I can't wait to hug her—to hear her heartbeat again.

Lazarus appears around the corner, his cane and dress shoes clicking against the tile floor. "How's the newest member of our community?" He asks as he approaches my side.

"Julian thinks it'll only be a few hours."

"Ahh... yes. Seems about right." We stand in silence for a moment before he continues. "Your father would have been proud of you. You never gave up trying to find the truth."

"I hope so." I think for a second. He'd worked so hard to find a cure. "Do you think the silver is out of my system?"

His dark eyes looked at me curiously. "I would think so, yes."

"Can we try an experiment?"


Lazarus leads me to the rooms where they keep the sick. They are nothing like Victor's plain white rooms-- his prison cells. Here the patients have space to move. It feels more like dorms than a hospital wing.

"She's in here." Lazarus swipes his card and the door clicks.

I open the door, and Willa smiles, sitting cross legged on her bed.

"Hello, friends." Black veins creep up her neck. The third stage. This has to work.

I clench my sliced hand, the pinch of pain echoing up my arm. If this works, I'd do it a hundred times.

"Hi, Willa. I brought you an extra special treat today." I hand her the foam cup I filled with my own blood.

She hops off the bed and stumbles—"Ow," she says holding her shin. "These rat bites sure do hurt." Black blood drizzles from one of the popped blisters.

"Well, this will make them better." At least, I hope.

She greedily swipes the cup from my hand. "Mmm... this is the best milkshake I've ever had. Strawberries and vanilla." A smile lights her face and she takes another huge gulp.

I bite my lip, afraid her body will reject it. Maybe I should have waited longer... the silver might not be gone. I expect her body to begin convulsing any minute. But then, her fingertips fade from deep purple to the most beautiful rich umber.

Lazarus meets my gaze and smiles. It worked.

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