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As practice went on, Omar couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of Camden. He wanted to thank her.

"WATER BREAK," Big O screamed.

The small group of basketball players broke away from what they were doing and headed for water. Feeling the water break could wait, Omar went over to Camden.

"Hey...," He stood in front of her awkwardly.

Camden ripped her attention from her phone to see him fidgeting uncomfortably.

She raised a single eyebrow at him, "You alright, Omar?"

His eyes widened as his palms became clammy. "Oh! Um- yeah! I just wanted to thank you for the other week."

"No problem. Lil Batman ass." She joked.

"Yeah- well thanks again." Omar scratched the back of his neck about to get his water.

"Wait...Omar," she grabbed his forearm and turned him back around.

"It's cute you're nervous, but don't act that way around me." She smiled trying to make him less nervous.

Being called cute by such a pretty girl caused him to blush. It was obvious that he hadn't had many encounters with girls.

"Okay. I'll try! Fasho."

Turning away from Camden for sure this time, Omar sprinted over to the water area already knowing he had just seconds until the break was over.

Not far out of sight, the boys watched Camden and Omar. No one really cared about what they were talking except about except, Jeremiah.


Jeremiah walked back onto the court furious. Camden was his girl!

"Run play five with me," Big O stated.

T'ea, Big O and Josh were on one team while Omar, Sharife and Jeremiah were on the other.

Smirking as he got the ball, Jeremiah scanned the court for Omar. Seeing that he was guarding Josh, he took his opportunity.

With all of his strength, Jeremiah hurled the basketball at the back of his head, instantly knocking him on the floor.

"THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU," T'ea stressed.

Everyone dashed over to where Omar was, trying to make sure he was fine.

"I promise I didn't try to!" He exclaimed.

"He needs to go to the hospital," G said.

"Facts. Cause homeboy forehead bleeding a lil too much." Que co-signed.

Josh and Sharife rushed to get towels to wrap around Omar's head as Big O got him up.

When the boys came back they wrapped the towels around his head and helped walk Omar to the car before he became unconscious.

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