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Today was a major disappointment. Que had went to the funeral in hope of getting some kind of closure, but it was nothing, but more agony.

Gionni's parents and Tyler's mom decided to have a double, closed casket funeral which upset Kiree. He wanted to see his boys one last time.

Everyone tried to make conversation with him, but he simply overlooked them.

Camden especially felt hurt by this because she at least expected them to comfort each other on the day of the funeral.

It was nighttime now and the first time Kiree had gotten any fresh air in over a week, therefore he took advantage.

He sat at an empty park table, contemplating his life. He was always taught that God made no mistakes, but he felt taking his brothers was definitely a mistake made.

Kiree sat there for so long just thinking about everything. It was still extremely surreal to him.

"Bitch ass nigga should've took me too." He wiped his stray tears.

He looked up at the sky honestly wondering about the man he called his savior. Kiree didn't know if he believed anymore. He felt his life was a lie.

Getting up from the park bench, Kiree checked his phone. It was 3AM and he hadn't seen his dad since the funeral.

Kiree looked at nothing, but the ground as he made his way up the sidewalk. He was a good ways from home so he had even more time to think.

"Take me. I'm begging you to," he muttered to himself.

On his long walk home, he continued to say the same things over and over. He solemnized the same reasons to God on why Jeremiah should have killed him and why he deserved to die as well.

The wistful feeling that was in his heart would not leave and it was starting to take over his life. Kiree concluded he had nothing to live for and he wanted to leave this earth.

A dog bark distracted Kiree as he walked across the street. He looked around to find the dog, not seeing a truck coming full speed towards him.

The person in the truck was drunk and didn't have their headlights on.

When Kiree finally noticed the truck...it was too late. The truck hit him at such a force that his body rolled over the vehicle, cracking the front windshield and dinting the trunk of it.

"Fuckkkkk," the women driving slurred. "I'm in so much trouble."

She got out the car to check on him and realized he was unconscious. She reluctantly called 911 and waited for an ambulance to arrive.

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