14: GaRo

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As evening falls at Annecy, Zak and Darryl are now in the process of looking for informations about the server making competition last year. Zak is searching through his phone while Darryl searched through his laptop on the table. As Zak scrolled down on the website about the competition, he found a familiar face. "Hey Darryl look, it's Vinc." he calls for Darryl. He turns behind him and walks towards Zak. Zak shows him a picture of Vincent holding a trophy and a big card. He was smiling so brightly, it's as if he had no worries in the world. He suddenly remembered that he wasn't there to smile with him. Darryl sees Zak's dull face and goes to pull him into a big hug. 

"I don't know the amount of times I told you this but, we will find find him, okay?" 

Zak pulls away from the hug and smiles. "Okay."

Suddenly, Darryl's phone receives a call from Damien, who they met earlier. He leaves the bed and goes to pick up the call. 


"Hi! Remember me, Damien?"

"Yes, I do! What's up?"

Damien clears his throat and explains something that could help them.

"So basically, I found out some more information about this Alex guy on social media through my friend. She said that he once had a girlfriend, two years ago and they broke up. The girl was famous, but she went in hiding after what Alex did to her."

Zak heard their conversation and decided to ask a question.

"What did she do?"

"I'm not sure, but she's still sort of active on Twitch..."

Darryl gets the idea. "So she's a streamer?"

"Most probably, yeah."

Zak and Darryl stayed quiet to think for awhile, then Zak spoke up. "Hey Demi, come to our hotel. We wanna discuss further about this face-to-face." Darryl nods to signify that he agrees. 


A knock on the hotel room door could be heard 30 minutes later. Zak zooms to door and checks through the little hole that it was Damien. He immediately opens the door and smiles. "Hey! You're here!" "Hi! Here-" He hands Zak a bag full of french snacks. "-I thought you needed these." Zak takes the bag and smiles even more brightly. "Thank you!" "It's no big deal. Oh by the way, where's Darryl?" His eyes wander around the spacious hotel room. 

"Oh he's in the bathroom, changing his clothes." Damien nods and puts his bag on the table. Not long after, Darryl walks out from the bathroom with semi-dried hair and a hoodie that says 'Muffin Time!' printed on it. He sees Damien talking to Zak at the table. "Hey Demi. You're early." Damien sees Darryl walking towards them. "I'm not early. But it's not too late either so it's perfect." Darryl smiles and sits down next to Zak. 

"So, who is this girlfriend of Alex?" Zak asks. Damien takes out his laptop and opens up Google. He types quickly and turns the laptop to face both Zak and Darryl. Their eyes lit up at a beautiful, long-haired girl. "Gabriela Robert. A French streamer. More known as-" "-GaRo." Zak continues Damien's sentence. They look at him with confused faces. 

"You know her?" Darryl asks. "Yeah, I once watched her a few years ago on Twitch. She played the usual Minecraft, Fortnite, you get the point." Darryl nods and looks back at Damien. Damien continues his explanations. 

"Gabriela was super famous on Twitch, but she went missing one day, not streaming for a full year. Her fans were super worried that they had to spam her on Twitter and Instagram to let them know if she was okay. She replied to a few DM's, but all of the answers were the same. 'I'm fine', 'I'm okay', Don't worry about me'. Then she started streaming again a few months ago. But people were suspicious of her attitude. From the once bubbly, energetic and talkative girl, to a silent, shy and insecure person."

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