Chapter 23: Lunch

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     The weekend flew by too quickly because before I knew it, it was Monday morning I everyone looked like zombies. "It's gonna take a bit to get used to," I yawn, Jiwoo also yawning as she clicks away on her computer in the library. "What time does Study Hall end?"
     "1:00," she replies, not looking up from her screen as I tap my pen to an annoying pattern on the wooden table. The librarian quickly shoots me a glare, allowing myself to stop.
     "Right, I forgot," I sigh, eyeing my lunch bag that I brought to school, my stomach growling at the sight. Mama had prepared steamed pork and glass noddles. My mouth watered at the thought of eating them in 5 minutes. "I didn't tell you about Friday...didn't I?" I whisper, keeping my voice low as the librarian walks around with her glasses at the top of his nose.
     " you didn't," she replies, finishing up her paragraph before leaning back in her chair in exhaustion. "So, are you two a thing or not? That's all I want to know."
     "We aren't," I declare, her eyebrows raising at my answer. "But, we are pretending to be in order to get the people we do want to date to notice us," I sigh, running my fingers through the root of my hair lazily.
     "Well, that's simple on his part. Everyone already likes him and the others," she crosses her arms, playing with her pencil as she does so.
     "He's after Jennie apparently," I yawn. "They had a big fight at the concert and he wants her back I guess."
     "You guess?" She repeats, closing her computer and placing it back in her bag. "I thought he hated her. All the signs pointed to..."
     "That's what I thought to," I reply before she could finish. The bell suddenly rings, signaling our departure. We and a few other students in our period rise from our seats and make our way towards the exit in a quick manner. "I don't care about his love life though, I'm just after Tae."
     We drag ourselves towards the cafeteria, Jiwoo discussing today's lecture for science to me as we do so. I suddenly come to a haunt at a figure leaning leaning against the edge of the hall on his phone. 'Oh boy...'
     Straightening my back, I make my way towards him. His head suddenly rises at the sight of me before forcing a small smile. "Hey," he greets, taking my hand in his and walking me into the cafeteria, past the line of students and towards the table.
     "You're not eating?" I ask, his head shaking no in response. I don't ask any further questions as we reach the table, taking a seat in two open spots purposely placed right next to each other.
     Jiwoo sat beside Jimin and Namjoon, blushing a bit at Jimin sitting right beside her. Jennie and the other three also sat at the table; Lisa on the other side of Namjoon, Jisoo beside Tae, Rose next to Jimin, and Jennie on the other side of Yoongi and Jin.
     "Ooh! What d'you got there, Dea?" Hoseok asks as I open my bento box to reveal the steaming food. His eyes grow wide in jealousy. "Lucky you. It looks amazing!"
     "Thank you," I giggle, pulling out chopsticks and picking up a strip of meat. The girls and guys began to talk of homecoming in 2 weeks and what they were planning for their senior years. I turn to Yoongi, murmuring, "you think we're gonna have to go to homecoming together?"
     He looks down at me, his eye quickly glancing around the table before replying, "I hope not. If it goes that long, we can call it off." I kinda liked the idea of calling it off around homecoming, that gave me a deadline; something to look forward to.
     "You want a bite?" I ask, holding up my last piece of meat sprinkled with a few clumps of rice in between my chopsticks. He looks down at it for a second, contemplating his decision.
     "I'm good," he shrugs, my shoulders dropping at his answer. Pulling a smile, i continue to hold the food up.
"C'mon, I'm sure you'll like it," I tease, nudging his shoulder with my elbow. His eyes move sideways in almost an annoyed glare. I didn't care; it was fun teasing him. "You want me to do a choo-choo train?" I add, his eyes rolling before turning his head my way again.
"God, you're so annoying," he mutters, opening his mouth, giving me permission to feed him the bite. He quietly chews it while I sit patiently for his reaction. "Pretty good," he says in a low tone, avoiding eye contact as he does so.
"See?" I smile, finishing the rest of my meal before packing it away and waiting for the bell to ring. "Oh, I have the clothes in my car," I add, his head resting on his propped up elbow, almost as if he was going to fall asleep.
"Just keep them," he sighs, slowly closing his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. "God, I might skip 6th and 7th," he groans, Jungkook turning to find him buried in his folded arms on the table.
"Then skip. You've got privs and it's just study hall and English for you," he shrugs, the black haired boy's head raising to meet his eyes.
     "You hungover again?" Jimin asks, Yoongi's eyes glancing over to him now. Each of his blinks were heavy and cold.
     "Not...really," he mutters as Jin hands him his unopened plastic water bottle. He gladly takes it, gulping a swing of it but still looking miserable.
     "You outta go now," Namjoon suggests, eyeing the clock minutes away from dismissal.
     "Dea, you should drive him. He looks awful," Jin joins in, taking his water bottle back.
     We both shoot him a look, mentally telling him, 'no, he can drive himself home!' "I can drive myself, you dumbass," he snaps at his friend who just raises an eyebrow in consideration.
     "I won't allow it. Dea, drive him home," Namjoon finalizes just as the bell rings and everyone rises from their seats, including the others. "Go home, Yoongi."
     He let's out a groan of frustration as his friends all give him a pat on the back before leaving the table. Jiwoo shows me a sympathetic smile before walking beside Jimin towards the crowding hall.
     ' is this supposed to work?'

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