Chapter 44: Better Together

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I sit in a sulking position on a log further away from the fire so no one could see my red, puffy eyes. Yoongi sipped at his booze once in awhile but I could tell he was trying to play off as not looking bored in front of me.
"You don't have to stay here," I point out, hugging my bare arms that were beginning to grow bumpy at the slight breeze. I see his head turn a bit so the corners of his eyes could meet mine. Suddenly standing up, he sets his cup down and pulls his arms out of the sleeves of his white sweatshirt that had a large Supreme sign on the front.
"Here," he says, holding the sweatshirt in one hand, now left in only a black t-shirt covered in Gucci symbols. "And you're sitting beside me on the bus," he adds, my eyebrows raising in both shock and confusion.
"What about..."
"Jennie can sit with Jungkook. They'll survive," he gently smiles, taking the sweatshirt and opening the bottom before bending down to my height and pulling it over my head; the large size easily slipping over me and onto my chest. I slide my arms through the sleeves, knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer no matter what.
     He runs his hands on my neck where he pulls my tucked-in hair out from the inside the sweatshirt. My skin tingled at his touch and his aroma only made me feel more protected. I hug my now covered arms nervously, not knowing what else to say.
     "Thank you," I breathe, glancing up to find him still bent down in front of me, looking at me with such a soft gaze that I would never find from Min Yoongi.
     His smile only grows a bit while reddening at my response. He shuffles over to the log where he sits right beside me. Wrapping an arm around me, I gladly lean my head on his shoulder, both of us catching Jennie staring as we do so.
"Smart move," I jokingly scoff, his head slowly nodding but his current smile fading away as his eyes follow her. "Oh, I have your earrings," I suddenly remember, sitting back up and digging in my pockets until I located the small earring bag I had placed them in.
His head turns to face me only to find me holding out the bag in which his eyes followed to shortly after. "You can keep those, y'know," he replies, taking the bag and opening it.
I try to think of something to say but not came to mind that would satisfy him. "C'mere," he gestures, holding up a finger that urged me towards him. Doing as he says, I lean foreword so I was closer to him, as expected.
He clicks his tongue before taking my jaw and turning it so the side of my face was visible to him. From there, he took an earring and slid it through my piercing with ease. "They suit you better anyways," he says as he secures the back before doing the same to the other side.
Withdrawing his hand, embarrassed, a teacher announces to begin to pack up while they burn out the fire. I stand up and stretch my sore limbs. I had been sitting there for so long with him, Tae had left my mind completely. Well, at least until I spotted him lingering around Namjoon, Jin, Jisoo, and Lisa.
It was at that moment when I glanced over to find Jiwoo jogging over to me, clearly exhausted from her run. "Where have you been? You ran off after the firefly show thing," she pants heavily before suddenly stopping as her eyes meet the sweatshirt covering the top half of my shivering body. "The hell did you get that?"
"Well, it's not Tae's, I'll tell you that," I huff, crossing my arms from both frustration and the light breeze. "I'll tell you everything when we get back to the school," I add, spotting Yoongi waiting for me beside the senior bus entrance.
Shoving my hands in the kangaroo pouch of the sweatshirt, I meet up with him where we both enter the bus. My hand is clasped in his as he slides us through the tight aisle and towards the back of the bus.
Keeping my head down at the sight of Jungkook and Tae, I let Yoongi gesture me to an open seat where I got the window this time. Sitting down, I immediately turn my attention to the window, not wanting to have any more contact today.
My eyes grew heavy as the bus began to pull away from the lake and turn back towards the school. My forehead leaned against the cold, hard glass of the window, occasionally hitting it whenever a bump passed, but it didn't bother me too bad.
Just when I felt as if I was gonna fall asleep, the feeling of a hand is felt on the back of my neck and before I could do anything about it, my head is turned to find Yoongi holding me. My eyes squinted up at him, my head now leaning against his shoulder and his hand now gently holding me by my upper arm on my other side.
"What're you doing, Min Yoongi?" I breathe, slowly closing my eyes again as I got comfortable.
"You wanna spend the night at my house?" He suddenly asks, completely dodging my question with his own. I open one eye, his hazel ones still gazing down at me.
I close it again, a smile slowly creeping on my lips as I do so. "You want to sleep next to me again, pervert?" I tease, imagining what his face would look like. I'm suddenly pushed back to the window where my forehead hits, resulting in me straightening up and grasping the throbbing bump. "Ow! What was that for?" I mutter in a low tone as a few other students talked while others slept or played on their phones.
The corners of his mouth lift in a half-hearted smile. Crossing my arms, I lean back on him, his eyebrows raising unexpectedly in result. "You're more comfortable than the window," I declare, breathing in his scent as he tries to nudge me off. "Alright, if you really want me to stay the night, then I guess I'll be a good, fake girlfriend and do just that."
From there, not another word was said from either of us and eventually, we both fell asleep on each other.

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