Chapter 28: Change

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     My fever came back a few times, only lessening the chance of me going back tomorrow. I took more medicine and slept more to pass the time. Eventually though, 3 o'clock hit, signaling the many snaps I was about to get for after school streaks.
     Cars drove past my house, on their way home to their comfortable bed while I was stuck in mine all day. Laying back to my horizontal position, I close my eyes, hoping to fall back asleep when I hear a set of feet make their way slowly up the stairs.
     "Mama! I have a fever again," I call out only to get no response. Lifting my head, I eye the doorway, hoping to find my mama. A head suddenly poked around the corner, my heart dropping at the surprise.
     "Jungkook? What're you doing here?" I ask, sitting up all the way and wrapping my blanket over myself to hide my pajamas.
     The senior shows a smile before walking into my room and taking a seat in my desk chair. "I came to see you of course," he grins, my cheeks reddening at his words. "So running in the rain really does make you sick, huh?"
     "Oh..." I blush, not knowing that he knew the reason for my sickness. "Yeah, I suppose it does."
     "Yoongi's not doing too well without you," he points out, my heart rate increasing at his words.
     "I'm sure," I reply sarcastically, raising my eyebrows for a slight moment at the thought of him at school without me.
     "If you're not back by tomorrow, Jennie's gonna twirl him around her finger again," he warns, leaning foreword so his elbows rested on his knees and his hands clasp together in the center.
     "Right..." I sigh, contemplating if I should just tell him the truth. 'I mean, he is my friend and maybe it'll be a nice outlet besides Jiwoo.'
     "You're very quiet about this," he adds. I glance up to meet his green eyes before glancing back down at my lap. "Do you care if Jennie takes him away from you..?"
     "Of course I care," I quickly say. 'No...I can't tell him. Yoongi would kill me.' "I can't go back, I'm still sick."
     His eyes flicker down to my appearance, taking in my pale face and sunken eyes. "I never would've thought I'd say this, but you've changed Yoongi...for the greater good of course," he says, my eyes meeting his again. His face was genuinely sympathetic and happy at what he had just said. "The boys and I hung out at his house yesterday after you left. I peeked in his room and found the liquor jar full. It's usually empty at the end of the day before the maids refill in the morning."
     My eyes widen at his words. "W-well, maybe it was cause he was hungover and besides, he fell asleep also," I point out, filling satisfied with my reason towards the "uncommon phenomenon."
     "Dea, it's never full. No matter how he feels or what he does, he'll always find a way to finish it at the end of the day," he explain, still hooked on the idea that I'm beginning to change him...whatever that means. "He's finally finding a way to be happy instead of drinking and you can't let him let that go."
     "I don't know what you expect me to do. I'm not going to school sick," I say, crossing my arms under my blanket as he sat in deep thought.
     "Jimin's holding a party this Friday. Whatever happened yesterday when he drove you home has got to be pushed aside if you want him to go back to fully functioning this week," he informs, the idea of a party not really meeting my needs. "He'll probably drink so much tonight."
     "He told me he only drank a little everyday," I point out, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He looks up at me, a painful expression casted on his structured face.
     "He didn't want to worry you. He's a heavy drinker at heart and that's that," he sighs, standing up from the chair and pulling out his phone. "I should probably go. Hope you get better," he smiles, showing me a little wave before leaving my room and heading back downstairs.
     'God damnit it, Yoongi! Why did you have to lie to me like that?'
     As much as I wanted to apologize for running off yesterday, my body could barely hold me up long enough to walk down the stairs let alone go all the way to his house. "I'll have to do it tomorrow maybe," I murmur to myself, pulling out my phone to find a text from an unknown number.
     'What in the world?'
     Opening it, I read the message aloud to myself. "Hey, pretty girl. You're looking beautiful right now." My eyes widen, my whole body frozen at what I had just read. Slowly raising my head, I look out the one window in my room to find the house beside us, quiet and still as usual. "What...they must have the wrong number. I'll just block them."
     Blocking them, I put my phone away before laying back down and closing my eyes, eventually falling asleep.


     The next day, I managed to get myself out of bed, feeling a bit better than yesterday. I got dressed and did my hair, expecting a nice, easy day at school. I would go easy and maybe even talk to Yoongi if I have the chance.
    'Talk to Yoongi,' I repeat, letting out a scoff as I do so. 'He's the one that should be apologizing.'
     I take some medicine to get me through the day before snatching my keys and hurrying outside to my car. I drive to school and park in my usual spot to find Jiwoo waiting beside a tree for me.
     "Hey," I greet, slamming the door shut and approaching her.
     "Hi," she smiles, joining my side as we near the front of the building. "You look a lot better."
     "Cause I'm on like 3 types of painkillers," I sigh, getting a smile out of her. "You going to Jimin's house on Friday for that party?" I ask, her head nodding in return just as her cheeks begin to flush red. "Oh my god, what happened between you two?" I tease, nudging her shoulder.
     "Well, he approached me in the hallway after school yesterday and personally asked me to come," she blushes. "A-and he pressed a piece of hair behind my ear and called me pretty."
     "Jung Jiwoo!" I gasp, her face only reddening as I quietly cheer over the matter. "Jung Jiwoo and Park Jimin; who would've thought?"
     "Oh, shut up," she laughs as we enter the building. We both erupt in laughters that filled the halls.

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