Im still deciding| Zoe

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I'm so excited for Orlando but at the same time I'm still deciding whether to go or not. I've never met Alfie but he seems quite a nice guy but yet, as I say 'you only see 10 mins of my day' in a vlog and that's true, so Alfie could be going through hard times or he could be the happiest person ever. I'm just scared that I'll offend him or say something wrong because I don't know how he feels around people or how he'll feel around me. Especially because I'm also a YouTuber.

Well I think I will go because I prefer to say yes seeing as that's how I got to here. If I say no I will regret it forever and it's a chance to meet new people and see new things and make new friendships.

I'm going with Niomi & Tanya who are my really good friends of mine. They've both met him before so maybe they know his life outside of his vlogs but I can't guarantee anything until I've met him.

I'm definitely going but I was just thinking about what we will do there? Hopefully we will go to nice restaurants and have long talks over dinner to get to know each other, otherwise I won't really be brave enough to ask him myself about his life behind the camera. I might just be threating over nothing but who knows. Anyway I better get packing.

Bye x

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