The Platform

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"Ha. What?" Harry was sure he'd heard wrong. Hagrid told him they were going to run right at a wall. Was he mental? Harry looked up at Petunia and, by the look on her face, she was thinking the same.

"It's magic, Harry," Hagrid whispered glancing around them. "We better hurry before we draw too much attention. I'll go first if that makes you feel better." Harry's pretty sure if anything was going to draw attention it would be the half giant himself.

Hagrid walked up to the wall and disappeared. Harry looked back at Petunia with wide eyes. Petunia simply shrugged and urged Harry forward. Walking towards the wall, they pushed the trolly through the barrier. Just like The Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley, the two were in a whole other world.

"Wow," Petunia breathed, taking in the train. The platform was crowded with people of all ages, students and their parents. Some of the students were already in their uniforms. Harry was too busy looking for white hair to pay much attention to the others on the platform. Finding who he was looking for, Harry began pushing his trolly in their direction, leading Petunia.

"Hey! There you are. I was worried maybe you already boarded the train. I've already had my luggage stored," Draco said with a smile, looking at Harry's trolley. "Oh, this is my father, Lucius. You already met my mum."

"Mr. Potter," Lucius said quietly, trying not to draw attention to Harry from the crowd. Harry realized he was just a taller, older version of Draco. "I've heard all about you from Draco. He's very excited about school. Are you ready?"

"Definitely," Harry exchanged grins with Draco.

"What about you, Auntie? Down to one child, your house will be quieter," Lucius chuckled.

"Harry will be missed dearly. Dudley doesn't like to spend much time with me. He finds it embarrassing," Petunia said in a mocking tone. She placed a hand on Harry's head affectionately. "Harry's always helped me in the garden and with dinner. I'll feel like a piece of me is missing, but he is going to do wonderful and prove just how amazing he is."

The train whistled signaling final boarding call. Harry gave Petunia a final hug with a tight squeeze while Draco shared a group hug with his parents. Then, they walked together to the train with Harry's trolley for his luggage to be stored before boarding a train car.

It was proving difficult to find an empty compartment. They passed one full of noisy children that called out to Draco. He lifted his hand dismissively before continuing forward. They were almost to the front before finally finding one empty. Harry's eyes were to the floor in an attempt to remain unknown when he saw movement. Bending down for a better look, he found a toad.

"Hello there," he greeted the toad, picking it up. "Rather odd place to find a toad, don't you think," he asked Draco as he took a seat.

"If you think that's strange, wait till we get to school. Father says you never really know what to expect," Draco claimed the seat across from Harry.

"You didn't stop to chat with your friends," Harry said watching Draco while he pet the toad with a finger. Draco snorted.

"They're not even really my friends. More like acquaintances if anything. My father used to be friends, or rather business partners, with their fathers and we used to have dinner parties. I never got close to any of them though. They only cared about my father's connections, not because they actually wanted to be my friends. In the end, it all comes down to money. I'd rather stay away from that lot," Draco said with a shrug, looking out the window as the train began to move.

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